chapter seven

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Dan woke before Phil did, making his way into the bathroom to make sure he looked fine. His hair was messy and out of place, he looked around for a straightener, displeased when he discovered that there wasn't one. He ran a hand through his hair a few times, hoping to straighten it out at least a little. It worked somewhat but not enough for his standards. His hair was still a curly mess and he knew Phil would tease him over it, not that he didn't deserve the teasing.

He decided to make breakfast and coffee, considering that Phil lived close to the school and he could get there fast. The food was just eggs and toast, nothing too extravagant.

Phil woke not much later, sitting up quickly. His eyes fluttered around as he began to panic about school. Dan was gone, had he left? The smell of food suddenly hit his nose, causing him to look to the kitchen. Carefully, he walked over to the small room. The only light coming in was from the curtains that were opened slightly.

Dan was leaning against the counter, eyes half lidded as he ate a piece of toast. His hair was curly and flopped over his forehead and eyes. The sweater he was wearing looked like it had been pulled at, revealing his collarbone and a few freckles that sat there. He still had the bandages and bandaids on his face and hands. His cheeks and jaw were a bit bruised, lip a little swollen and red where it had split.

He looked over in Phil's direction suddenly, smiling a bit. His nose looked a little red and his left eye had a bruise just under it, though it was barely noticeable.

"Hey, babe." His voice was husky and still full of sleep as he spoke, Phil shivered a bit. Dan finished off the last bit of his toast before, pushing a plate towards Phil with food on it. "Eat up, we have twenty minutes before we have to head off to school." He hummed.

Phil walked over, grabbing the fork carefully. He glanced up at Dan, who gave him a sleepy smile. Phil's gaze shifted over to the kitchen table, Dan's leather jacket was hanging on the chair. The table was small and rough, two chairs were at it.

Phil began eating silently, Dan leaning against the counter beside him. Phil saw him shift out of the corner of his eye, watching him lean towards him. Dan's lips touched Phil's neck a few times before he moved away and walked out of the room. Goosebumps were left where his lips touched before travelling the expanse of Phil's skin. He shivered again, watching Dan walk off.

After Phil had finished, he went off and cleaned up. He offered Dan some of his clothes but Dan refused, saying 'I don't want to wear any of your colorful shit' to which he followed with 'No offense'. Phil just shrugged and finished buttoning up his shirt.

When Phil was finally finished, Dan ushered him out the door. He snuck a kiss from Phil, who rolled his eyes at him and Dan laughed. Phil complained about being cold when parked at the school, expecting Dan to tell him that he should have brought a jacket. Instead, when they exited the car, Dan shrugged off his leather jacket and handed it to Phil. He was a bit surprised though but slid it on, Dan grinning a little.

"Stop doing that." Phil huffed, Dan lifted an eyebrow.

"Doing what?" He questioned.

"Doing that stupid grin." He crossed his arm and Dan grinned again. That stupid grin. That stupid, attractive grin. Dan just laughed when Phil blushed, cupping his cheek and sneaking another kiss.

"Stop." Phil sighed, though he didn't mean it. Dan pulled away though, much to his surprise.

"Sorry, I can't help myself." Dan looked at the ground for a moment.

"Don't be sorry, you're my boyfriend." Phil leaned in and kissed him again. Dan's chest swelled at the sound on Phil calling him his boyfriend. He grinned against Phil's lips. Phil wanted to roll his eyes when he felt Dan doing that stupid grin again.

"Okay, we are going to be late." Phil said as he pulled away, looking over at the people who were staring at them. Dan noticed this and glared at them, brows furrowed and eyes narrowed like slits. They scurried off and Dan looked back at Phil, nodding.

"Alright." He winked at Phil. "See you in English." Phil watched as Dan walked away, shoving his hands in his pockets as he walked. He followed soon after, pulling Dan's leather jacket tighter around him and inhaling his scent. It smelled like pen ink and old spice. Maybe a hint of gasoline. Phil liked it.

As he stepped into class, Cat looked over at him. She tilted her head when she saw the jacket.

"Is that Dan Howell's?" She asked as he sat beside her. Phil laughed.

"Yeah." He nods, grinning a little.

"Be careful, you know how he is. He gets bored with someone and moves on to the next person." Cat told him, shaking her head. Phil looked away before scowling.

"I know Dan." He hisses. "He isn't going to do that."

"That's what all the other people say." Cat sighs. "People never change."

Phil shifts away from her, eyebrows furrowing. What she thought of Dan didn't matter to him, all that mattered was that he cared about Dan and Dan cared about him.

NOTE: Finally another chapter! <3 Sorry about updating so slowly, school is keeping me pretty busy. Plus I recently got a boyfriend too so that has been something I am focusing on.

Word count: 924 words

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