chapter six

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Dan didn't see Phil over the weekend which left a knot of anxiety in his gut as he wondered if Phil felt the same way he did. He had kissed him back but was it just on impulse. Did it mean anything to Phil or no? He hoped it did.

When he finally returned to school, his thoughts were churning. He didn't know what to say to Phil or what to do. He found himself waiting for him at his locker. When Phil got there and got his stuff, he looked at Dan and laughed. Dan bit his lip unsure what to do. Phil placed his hand on Dan's cheek and kissed him on the cheek.

"Get to class so you aren't late." He murmured in his ear before pulling away and heading to his class so he wasn't late either.

Dan's hand moved up to the place that Phil's lips had touched his skin. He was a bit surprised and touched by the gesture, it was so soft and sweet in a way.

As he headed to class, he found his mind drifting to the kiss on the cheek rather than the makeout session. He didn't know what it was about it but maybe it was the fact that it seemed to be Phil's way of saying he did like him back.

- - -

Dan grinned at Phil as he plopped down in his seat beside him, Phil rolling his eyes at him.

"Quit looking at me like that." Phil sighs and Dan laughs. Phil can't help but smile at that. A sound he hasn't heard in so long, Maddie's head pops up as she looks over at Dan. He has a genuine smile, that isn't a grin, on his face for once.

"What like this?" Dan asked as he propped himself up on his elbow and looked at Phil in a flirtatious way. Maddie had become extremely jealous over the fact that Dan was constantly flirting with Phil, she watched them with a small scowl.

"Exactly like that." Phil replies before leaning forward. Maddie squints at this suddenly, she had thought there was still a chance that she could win Dan over because he would get tired of Phil not wanting him back but now . . . She watched as Phil leaned into Dan and kissed him softly on the cheek because class hadn't started yet.

Surprise filled her as Dan blushed at this. It was such a small and innocent gesture, considering that everyone knew some of the things that Dan got up to.

And being embarrassed by kisses on the cheek definitely was one of them. She scowled more at the fact that Phil now was flirting back.

"Hang out with me after school?" Dan hums as he leans a little closer to Phil as he speaks.

"Maybe." Phil elongates the a when he speaks, eyes on Dan. Dan just laughs at him.

"Playing hard to get again, I see." Dan rolls his eyes at him and leans back in his chair.

"Mhm." Phil replies with a smirk.

Dan couldn't help but find himself glancing at Phil throughout class, a few times he caught him and the entire time Maddie just glared at them.

The rest of the school day dragged on but he managed. Unfortunately, as he walked outside and rounded the school to wait for Phil he ran into a particular group of guys. He looked down at them in annoyance as they made their way over to him.

"Howell." Sneered one of them, a blonde by the name of Jackson. Jake was off to the side, the bruise on his jaw had faded and was no longer there as a reminder so obviously he was here to act like a big shot.

"Looks like you really are a fag, just like Phil. What, is he your boyfriend?" Jake taunted but Dan looked unimpressed and honestly he wasn't intimidated at all.

"Mmm, I wish. Maybe soon though." He grinned like a hungry wolf about to devour a meal. His hands were in his pockets, he was relaxed. He really didn't feel like getting into a fight, though he had been itching for one. Just a little bit. The feeling of skin against his fists was nice. It always was and always would be.

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