chapter three

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Phil made his way down the hall, dreading school in every way possible. He didn't want to be here, he didn't enjoy it at all. As he turned the corner, he crashed into something solid. He looked up, stepped back when he saw who it was.

"Watch where you're going, fag." Jake snapped as he shoved Phil against a locker. His friends laughed at this, barking out taunts at him. Phil just let it happen, not caring when he was punched in the stomach and tumbled to the ground. He watched Jake pull back his leg and Phil squeezed his eyes shut as he got ready to be kicked.

He reopened his eyes when it didn't come to see that Dan was standing over them with a scowl on his face. Phil watched the scene play out as Dan's fist connected with Jake's jaw. He stumbled back, clutching it.

Dan grabbed him and pushed him against the locker's face close to his.

"If I catch you beating him up again, I'm going to kick your ass way worse." He snaps before letting go and stepping away from him. Dan looked over at Phil, who was already getting up.

"Thanks but it's a little to late." Phil muttered before walking off, he didn't need Dan helping him.

Dan furrowed his brows as he watched him stalk off, sighing a little.

He shrugged it off and headed to class. When he got there, the teacher announced there was new assigned seats. She called off names as she went through the rows. He grumbled at the new seating arrangements when he was sat next to Maddie.

She looked overly excited about the fact but he honestly wasn't about it. Phil felt just the same way, since he was sat beside Dan. But maybe not really.

Dan cringed when Maddie moved closer to him, looking over at Phil. He grinned, as charming as possible. A smile that was known to make girls swoon, and guys alike. Not Phil though. Phil just furrowed his brows and glared at him a little.

"Don't look at me like that." Dan sighed, propping himself up on his elbow.

"Don't look at me like that." Phil mocked in a high voice and Dan scoffed. Phil glanced over Dan's shoulder, seeing that Maddie looked annoyed that Dan wasn't paying any attention to her. She mouthed something to Phil along the lines of 'Say something about me.'

Phil just looked back at Dan, who was still looking at him. He opened his mouth to speak when the teacher interrupted him. For once I'm glad to hear the teacher talk. Phil thought as Dan looked to the front, slumping in his seat and looking disinterested.

Maddie kept shifting in her seat like it was going to somehow going to make Dan notice her, he was obviously ignoring her.

Phil watched this continue, the more she tried, the more the a smirk began to appear on Dan's lips. Not that Phil was looking at Dan's lips.

Then she dropped something off the front of their desk when the teacher was no longer talking and everyone was talking too loud to pay any attention to her. She walked in front of her desk and bent over, right where Dan's line of sight was.

Phil tried to hold back a laugh when Dan blatantly shifted his gaze away from her and down at his paper. He began doodling casually, only looking up once she had sat down. Dan was smirking now, full on and unashamed.

Maddie leaned back in her seat, face full of annoyance. It thickened when Dan looked over at Phil. He wiggled his eyebrows before going back to drawing, completely neglecting the work that he was currently supposed to be doing.

He knew he had to fix things between him and Phil, even though he might be a little reluctant to admit it. 

Note: Another chapter done!

Word Count: 651 words

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