Chapter Four

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 Elisabete entered the kitchen and softly knocked on the door, gaining the chef's attention. He gave her a funny look as he eyed her up and down. Elisabete furrowed her brow at him and brushed off her skirts as she hid behind the doorframe, away from his view.

"Enter. Don't be shy now." The chef told her.

The chef's words caught the attention of the other cooks and Elisabete furrowed her brow as they all turned to face her. Their eyes scanned over her body as though they'd never seen a girl before.

"You must be here for the king and his whore's breakfast. Here it is." The chef told her.

Elisabeth's eyes widened hearing what he said and stuttered to reply as she entered the room.

"She's not-"

"She is what she is and she's a whore. You can call her what she is." The chef scoffed.

"She's his mistress." Elisabete spoke.

"She can only be a mistress if he's already tied down to someone. He has no wife or betrothed. She's a whore." The chef told her.

Elisabete grabbed the tray with their breakfast and quickly looked around the room. She huffed seeing some of the cook's eyes on her, examining her like a piece of meat, and angrily stormed out of the room. Before she could leave the chef put his hand out to her cheek and she stepped back from his touch. She scrunched her nose together as she left and told herself she'd never go back there under any circumstances. Walking down the hallway, Elisabete stepped warily, making sure she spilt nothing on the tray and everything looked good. However, as she walked down the hallways, the guards lined up along the walls watched Elisabete as she walked by. She felt their eyes upon her and her breathing quickened as well as her pace. She hated feeling like she was being watched. Their gazes were unwanted and unfriendly. It made her incredibly uncomfortable and all she wanted to do was deliver Loki his meal so she could go focus on her other work. She lightly knocked on Loki's and turned back to see the guards watching her. She then pounded on his door and smiled brightly as he opened the door for her. Elisabete bowed her head before entering and placed the tray on the table near the balcony as he closed the door.

"I hope the men weren't too forward in the kitchens. They do not travel much in the palace and mainly stick to themselves." Loki told her.

"It was...alright." Elisabete hesitated.

Loki saw small, red slashes appear on her face. He had maimed her delicate skin and Loki hated himself for causing her pain. Before he could say anything, Sanit emerged from the bathroom in his robe. Elisabete took note of it and was softly pushed aside from the table as Sanit went to sit down.

"Enjoy, my king." Elisabete said softly.

"Oh, everything looks so delicious. Come and enjoy this with me, won't you." Sanit beamed.

"Yes, darling." Loki spoke as he walked over to the table.

As he made his way over to the table, he looked over Elisabeth's face. He sighed in defeat and leaned down, kissing Sanit's temple before placing his lips next to her ear.

"I must speak with Elisabete outside for a moment. It won't take too long." Loki whispered.

"Of course." Sanit spoke.

Loki stood up straight and turned to face Elisabete.

"Come with me, girl." Loki told her.

"Yes, my king." Elisabete said, following after him.

Once they were outside his chambers, he closed the door behind him softly and stood in front of Elisabete, facing her.

"Have I done something wrong, my king? Was the food not satisfactory? Are you going to hit me again, my king?" Elisabete asked frantically.

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