Chapter Twenty-One

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The following morning, Loki was being helped by his servants to put on his ceremonial armor for the trial. He stared at the wall in front of him, thinking back to what he witnessed last night. No matter what, it was certain that Elisabete must never find out. He had to protect her and it had been the only way. Yet, as he thought back to last night, he hated himself more than ever. He did enjoy that boy's company, but that boy, in his eyes, was the product of deceit and betrayal. Fearing he would cry, he quickly dismissed the servants and slammed the door behind them with his magic. He couldn't let them see his weakness.

Elisabete got herself ready for the day and hated how Edric and his parents would just stare at her as she went about her daily tasks. As she washed her hair in the small bowl on her vanity, she could see Edric watching her from the small, dirty mirror as he lay on the bed with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Will you be late again tonight?" He inquired.

"I have said before. My king has ordered me to stay longer nights. Yes." Elisabete replied.

"A simple yes would have sufficed. I do not need your attitude." Edric told her.

She began to dry off her hair and began putting it into the fashion, still seeing Edric watching her through the mirror.

"Your dress is different today." Edric furrowed his brow.

"Yes." Elisabete spoke.

"Why?" Edric asked, honestly curious.

"My king is holding a trial and all staff and court members are to be present and look their best. It is his rule." Elisabete told him.

"A trial? For who?" He inquired.

"His...mistress." Elisabete spoke.

"What could she have done?" Edric scoffed.

"While she was supposedly tied to Loki, she had slept with Thor and birthed his son. Even you know how my king feels about Thor. She is being tried because she was using Loki to support her son and nothing else." Elisabete explained.

"Good. It's a good thing to know that the king deals with whores appropriately." Edric smirked.

"I suppose it is." Elisabete muttered.

Elisabete went on her way to the palace and immediately felt the tension in the atmosphere. There was to be no role call as the trial was to be held early. Elisabete and the other maids took their seats in the balcony, high up in the courtroom. She gazed down as Loki took his seat in the center between all the other advisors and lawyers. For a moment, Elisabete felt bad for Sanit. She knew how everyone felt about her and was well aware of the outcome of her sentencing before the trial even began. However, as she sat in her seat next to Iona, looking over all their faces, she felt all their eyes turned on her, staring. Iona took her hand and squeezed it tightly, aware of the stares.

Once everyone was seated and ready, the guards brought in Sanit. She was bound with chains as they escorted her to the center of the room for all the members of court to gaze upon her as if she were their prey. She kept her eyes on Loki's, glaring at him as she held her head up high.

"My lady, you have been called forth to your trial as a result of being accused of treachery towards your king." One of the advisors announced.

"Your king will declare your final punishment when the evidence brought against you appears damning towards your reputation." Another spoke.

"Evidence? Ha! You have none. You burnt the letter, Loki, don't you remember?" Sanit scoffed.

"I'm afraid you are mistaken." Loki told her.

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