Chapter Sixteen

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 When the week was over, Elisabete got herself ready for work early in the morning. Edric was still asleep as she put on her dress. Before she made her way to the palace, she walked to her old home to check up on her parents. Tadeus was already out in the field chopping up wood for the upcoming winter months. As she watched him, it made her chuckle remembering how Edric would be so kind as to do it for them. She walked into the backyard and Tadeus smiled brightly upon seeing her.

Tadeus put down his axe and walked over to her, embracing her tightly against him. Elisabete held onto his tunic as she sighed with content. He pulled her back and chuckled as he looked at her.

"It's been some time." Tadeus chuckled.

"I know. I've come to check on mother and father." Elisabete told him.

"They're sleeping right now. They've been doing exactly the same as they have been. If you want, you can prepare them breakfast. I know they'd like that." Tadeus told her.

Elisabete stepped into the house and quietly made breakfast for everyone, as well as lunch for her twin sisters. When she had finished, she had time to spare and opened the door to her parents's bedroom. There, she saw that they were indeed sleeping soundly, which brought a smile to her face. Before she left, she laid a soft kiss to their heads. As she walked out of the house, she could hear that Tadeus went back to his work.

"So, how is the married life treating you?" Tadeus asked.

"It's alright." Elisabete replied.

"It's not alright, is it?" Tadeus sighed.

"I hate Edric." Elisabete told him.

"Is it because you love the king or..." Tadeus trailed off.

"No. I just hate him, and his family. I hate them all. They treat me like I'm a whore because of what happened. Edric believes me to be tainted that he refuses to know me as his wife." Elisabete explained.

"Well, to Hel with them. They will get what's coming to them when judgement day arrives." Tadeus told her.

"Thank you. I have to be on my way to work now." Elisabete spoke.

"Have a good day and don't get into any trouble." Tadeus chuckled.

Elisabete smiled as she shook her head and made her way towards the palace. Stepping into the palace, she was welcomed by the other maids and was happy to know that they had not been told of what happened between her and the king. SHe got to her station and made her way to the throne room for role call. There, she looked up at Loki on his throne and could see that something was clearly wrong with him. He looked as though he hadn't slept in days and his foot tapped repeatedly on the floor as his eyes quickly surveyed over everyone as if he was searching for someone in particular. Once he had finished role call, he dismissed everyone but Elisabete. He stalked towards her and smiled brightly. Elisabete mirrored his smile and bowed her head as he stopped before her.

"I trust you had a good honeymoon." Loki spoke.

"I did, my king." Elisabete replied.

"Wonderful. How is the married life doing for you?" Loki asked.

"It is alright, my king." Elisabete said softly.

"Are you sure?" Loki inquired.

"I am." Elisabete hesitated.

Loki beckoned Elisabete to follow him and she did. There was an obvious tension between the two as they walked. She kept her head down as she walked behind him, not knowing what to expect as he led her to a room. He opened the door and gestured for her to enter first. Once inside, Loki made sure the door was locked before turning around to watch Elisabete as she walked around the room. Loki had brought her to his private study. The walls were lined with bookshelves filled with old books, most of which were collecting dust. Elisabete's eyes widened as she looked around her. She was completely mesmerized by the room. On a nearby table, Elisabete spotted a book with the edges of the pages tinted with gold. She walked towards it was about to touch it when she realized where she was and looked up at Loki.

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