Chapter Thirty-One

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 As the weeks passed them by, Loki was happier than ever. He was giving in to some demands that his council members had been asking for for years, he was more lenient on those he knew, and was generally just happy with himself and his life. During a break from one of his meetings, the Warrior's Three and Sif met together to talk about his behavior.

"I am not so sure about our plan." Fandral spoke.

"Why not? This is the best time?" Sif scoffed.

"I agree with Fandral." Volstagg added.

"Me as well." Hogun chimed in.

"How! This is the best time to strike. He's in his own world to realize what we will do." Sif told them.

"And this is the worst time to strike," Fandral explained. "Because he is in his own world, we should not take advantage of him."

"Are you joking? Do you know how many times he has taken advantage of all of us?" Sif seethed.

"We are well aware of what he has done to us and to Asgard. But don't you remember him before all of this chaos? I see the gleam in his eyes he once had when he was younger sparring with us. I don't know if you, or the whole lot of you, see it...but this girl is changing Loki. She's making him happier. He's becoming a better person because of her." Volstagg told Sif.

"That girl was nothing more than his maid who fell for his charms and slept with him. He thought she was a good lay and wanted her all to himself, made her his mistress, and married her all because she was pregnant. You were all there at the ceremony. He did this all so he could have a legitimate air. He does not care for that woman at all!" Sif exclaimed angrily.

"Keep your voice down!" Fandral scolded her quietly. "Imagine what he would do to you if he heard?"
"Let him kill me. I'd rather be dead than continue to live in this world where he is king when he knows he is not the rightful heir." Sif spat at him.

She looked around the group and shook her head. Not one of the men could look her in the eyes as her piercing eyes surveyed over the small group. She felt tears in her eyes as she put her head down.

"Where are your loyalties? Where has your allegiance to Thor gone?" Sif questioned them, trying to hold back her sobs.

Fandral slowly picked up his head and felt his heart ache seeing Sif so distressed.

"Sif, we know you have feelings for Thor, but-"

"This has nothing to do with that!" Sif snapped.

Her outburst caused all the men to look up at her, making them realize it really did have to do with her feelings.

"Sif, for all we know, Thor is dead. Even if we did go to Midgard, Heimdall would have to report back to Loki." Volstagg commented.

"And then he could come find us. Kill us for our treason." Hogun spoke.

"But we must tell Thor of what Loki is doing. He will ruin this realm and Thor needs to know. This is his home and that throne belongs to him, and no one else. My god, he has a son. Don't you think he should know that?" Sif explained to them.

"Loki is getting better. You may not see these subtle changes but we do. You must agree with the fact that the queen's kind spirit is making him a more wholesome man." Fandral told her.

"But don't you care about Thor? He is our friend." Sif gasped.

"We are not saying we don't care for Thor anymore. All we're saying is that...with this new change in Loki's emotions, maybe he'll think of bringing Thor back if we ask." Volstagg explained to her, placing his hand on her shoulder.

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