Chapter Eleven

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 Sanit held the book tightly clasped to her chest as she hurried down the long halls towards Loki's chambers. A large smile was painted over her face as she pushed open Loki's chamber doors. He looked up at her with his brow raised, wondering why she was so happy. He then looked down at the book in her hands and his eyes widened, seeing that the book was filled with old and outdated laws from the beginning of time when Asgard had its first few rulers on the throne.

"I didn't request for you to dine with me tonight." Loki told her.

"I have good news." Sanit giggled.

"Have you been resting?" Loki asked.

"You cannot expect me to stay cooped up in my room all day doing nothing. You cannot tell me what to do. I am not your maid." Sanit snapped at him.

She pulled up a chair next to his and set the book on his writing desk. He reached over to grab it, but Sanit moved it away from his grasp.

"I will show it to you when we have finished eating together." Sanit told him.

Sanit grabbed her portions of the meal and Loki watched as she hungrily ate, leading him to believe that she hadn't followed his instructions from earlier this morning.

"You cannot expect a healthy child to be born if you do not take care of yourself." Loki muttered.

"You must stop worrying about me. I can take care of myself." Sanit scoffed.

"Well, it isn't just yourself anymore. You are carrying my child and I will not have you risk his survival in this world all because you think you know better." Loki explained to Sanit.

"Well, it is my body, Loki. You cannot control my body." Sanit told him.

"Yes, that is true. But, we have no idea what to expect. Neither I nor the healers don't know what to expect with a pregnancy of a Frost giant offspring being carried by an Asgardian. There are too many risks and complications that could occur. I hope you will take my advice when I tell you to eat and rest when you must do so. Otherwise, you could jeopardize the whole pregnancy." Loki explained to her.

"I will do what I think is necessary. I will eat when I want and rest when I want. End of discussion." Sanit exhaled sharply.

"You do not have the right to end the discussion. Only I do." Loki seethed.

Sanit rolled her eyes as she continued to eat her food. When they finished eating, they both changed into their night clothes. Loki stood by the writing desk as Sanit got under the covers.

"Come into bed, my love." Sanit smirked.

"You said you'd show me what was in this book after we ate. We finished eating now show me what is in the book." Loki demanded.

Sanit sighed as she rolled out of the bed and walked towards the table. She opened the book to the page she marked and pointed towards the paragraph Elisabete had spotted earlier. Loki looked down at the page and quickly scanned over the words. His brow furrowed as he got to the word and gave Sanit a look.

"Why is this important?" Loki asked.

"This is your way to sleeping with the girl without it being an issue." Sanit replied.

"The text makes no sense. It's in an old dialect." Loki sighed.

"Well, unlike you, I learned the old dialect while I was in Alfheim. The elves inhabiting the land where I stayed taught me. It's called Droit Du Seigneur. It translates to the right of the first night. When a lord, or a king in this case, expresses his right to the first night of a subordinate woman's wedding, he can claim her for his own. He can sleep with her and be the first to know her, just as you have expressed to me. Because it is your right as a king, no one can argue against it. It will be seen as you simply following your kingly duty." Sanit explained to him.

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