Chapter Thirty

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Loki decided to keep the news of her pregnancy a secret to everyone but her family and Iona. When it came down to the coronation and wedding, Loki thought it would be nice to have an intimate setting for it. He planned that it would take place in the healing rooms where Elisabete was resting in the presence of her family, Iona, Eir, the Warrior's Three, Lady Sif, and the official presenting her with the crown and deeming them husband and wife. They all pledged to him that they would keep quiet about the reasoning behind her being bedridden if anyone in the court asked. She felt much better by the time the ceremony was happening but Eir requested she stay in bed for another day to ensure she was completely healthy before she could release her.

When it came time to the coronation, Loki took the opportunity to crown her himself. She smiled up at him and he kissed her sweetly.

"You are now officially granted the title of Queen of Asgard." Loki told her.

"Thank you." Elisabete spoke softly.

The others clapped and Elisabete looked up at her family and saw them beaming with pride. With her title, Loki was able to anoint her siblings as princesses and tadeus as a prince, with her family being a lord and lady.

"Now we can proceed onto the wedding." Loki told them.

The priest came in and began to ceremony. Loki seated himself on the edge of the bed next to Elisabete. He held her hand in his as he placed the other on her belly, feeling the child there in her womb, as opposed to Sanit's belly where he felt nothing. The two were announced husband and wife and king and queen of Asgard. Fandral presented them with the rings and Loki placed her ring above the one already on her finger. He then helped Elisabete to put his on for him and he kissed her head as she leaned into his touch. When the ceremony had ended, everyone left to leave Loki and Elisabete to be by themselves. As her family left, the Warrior's Three and Sif hid behind a pillar, away from anyone's view.

"Now he is assured to keep his reign going." Volstagg huffed.

"We do have to admit that neither of us have seen him this happy." Sif pointed out.

"You're one to talk about that." Fandral chuckled.

"I'm serious. Despite what he's done, this can be an opportunity for us." Sif told them.

"How so?" Hogun inquired.

"With this new attitude, we can do what we can to find out what really happened to Thor. He wouldn't have just abandoned us like this. Thor is loyal to Asgard and always has been. With him on his good side as he rules, he may allow us to travel to different realms and ask to take a book or two from his private library. If we ask for something he hasn't allowed us before, he might accept our requests given his new mood." Sif explained.

"For all we know Thor could have had him banished and threatened Heimdall for his silence." Volstagg spoke.

"All I'm saying is that we now have the potential to snoop and take advantage of Loki while he's in this mood. He's going to be worrying over Elisabete and their baby. He's going to have his hands full." Sif told them.

"He might even make time in his schedule to be with her for several hours. That could give us enough time to ask around." Fandral spoke.

"I'm glad we are all on the same page." Sif told them.

Eir checked up on Elisabete and was happy to say that the baby was still healthy and growing.

"For now she should be alright and the baby too. I can release her tomorrow." Eir told them.

"That's wonderful news. That way we can have the wedding feast and you'll be present for it." Loki spoke.

"She should be fine for it in terms of health. What amazes me is how her body is accepting of the child. Her nausea has almost completely subsided whereas Sanit was sick for almost more than a week. You should be thankful for this child. However, I am still unsure what is to come so whenever you feel something out of the ordinary whether it be a small pain in your abdomen or some spotting, I want you to rush over here." Eir explained to the both of them.

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