Chapter Thirty-Nine

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 As she paced down the hall, she couldn't help but sob violently as she went to get her family. However, she was fully processing what had just taken place and she had had enough. She pressed her back against a pillar and slid down the floor as he held Adelina to her body, never wanting to let her go. Her heart was broken and she felt utterly helpless in that moment. She hated herself for believing Loki so blindly. She wished she had questioned him more and stood up for herself and what was right. She would never have fathomed for him to have deceived her in such a brutal and violating way. She felt empty and used. He had killed innocent people in the belief that he would be protecting her. He had gone against everything she wished for not for her protection but his own. She realized he killed and tortured to save himself in the end. The entire time she knew him, he had always been lying to her and because of her good nature and ability to trust, he had ruined her. She hated the fact that Loki kept these secrets from her because he wanted her to remain in the shadows. She truly saw him for what he was. Loki was a deceitful man but she did not hate. She hated herself for having ever fallen for him. His feelings for her seemed genuine in her eyes and she could not help herself.

Elisabete had been blinded by the lavish lifestyle at court that she believed she herself did not want to know the sick truths Loki was hiding from her. She thought this was why she easily backed down from him when he would get angry with her prying into his personal business. She knew there was something horrible lingering within but pushed that thought into the back of her, not wanting to know about it. He threw all the gifts, parties, clothes, and jewelry in her face to distract her. She realized that his love for her had been the ultimate distraction. His kisses to her lips were nothing but a mere diversion. He used her feelings for him against her. She heard him reply that his love had always been true, but she didn't know what to believe anymore. And now, here she was, the queen of Asgard who had everything she could ever want here, but that was all coming to an end. She could hear the rioters outside getting closer and closer with every second that went by. An attack was imminent and she knew she had to leave.

Although she was upset with Loki, she loved Adelina. Despite having him as her father, she loved her no less than the days before and she knew she would love the next child she would birth by him. However, she knew they couldn't live a proper life if they did not get out of the palace quick enough. She willed her body to stand but a part of her told her to stay. She preferred this life in the palace as the queen, having everything at her fingertips and she was unsure if she wanted to go back to a life of a peasant. Her silly desire for the vanities here at court had ruined her. Before any of this, she remembered how she would daydream of wearing the finest clothes and jewelry the palace had to offer by wrapping blankets around her waist and twirling about while she used a bowl as her crown. Now that she had it, it wasn't as fun to pretend anymore. But she knew if she stayed she and her family would be killed. Elisabete calmed herself down and took a deep breath before telling herself she had to go back to her life in the village and live out her final days with her family that truly loved and appreciated her. She enjoyed her life as queen but all good things must come to an end. She had lived the dream and it was time for her to wake up.

Just as she was standing up, she saw Thor and Sif rush towards her down the hall.

"Stay away from me!" She yelled at them.

"We mean no harm." Sif spoke to her.

"I do not care. Leave me alone." Elisabete told the two.

She cowered in fear as Thor stood before her. He smiled down at her and his softness towards her confused Elisabete. This man was the same man she was told to hate. This was the same man that slept with Sanit, the woman Loki had once loved. This man was the same man she was told abandoned and betrayed his people. She believed he would be mean and horrible to the people around him, but he was smiling at her.

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