Chapter Forty-Nine

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 Loki opened the door slowly and peeked his head in. He gasped and covered his eyes when he saw Elisabete laying in bed holding a small bundle in her arms with Adelina sitting beside her.

"You can look now." She told him.

He let down his hand and smiled as he gazed at Elisabete. She was grinning from ear to ear and she looked absolutely radiant in his eyes. He took a step into the room and she sighed, giving him a look.

"Sit on the bed." She chuckled.

"I can?" He asked.

"Of course you can. Sit down." She replied.

He eagerly seated himself next to her and kept his back to Adelina, unsure if he was allowed to look at her. He heard his newborn daughter huff and coo softly as she squirmed in Elisabete's arms. He glanced up at Elisabete and beamed seeing her take the girl's small hand in hers and making kissing noises at her before laying a real kiss to the girl's head.

"Iona told me it was a girl." He spoke up.

"Another princess for you to spoil." Elisabete giggled.

"I see now the gods won't allow me a boy after what I did." Loki sighed.

"Maybe. I'm sure a boy will come in time." She told him.

"You'd want more children with me?" He inquired.

"Yes. I'd love to carry all the children that we would want to have in the future." She smiled up at him.

She reached over to him and took his hand in hers as she let go of the girl's hand to hold her in her arms.

"Iona said she looks just like me." Loki commented.

"She does. Your eyes, your hair, everything. She's beautiful." Elisabete spoke breathlessly.

"I'm so proud of you. I wish I would have been by your side." He told her.

"Next time." She chuckled.

Loki leaned forward and laid a kiss to Elisabete's temple before pulling away and staring at the wall in front of him. Elisabete let go of his hand and exhaled sharply.

"Loki?" She whispered.

"Yes." He replied, not turning to face her.

"Do you want to hold her?" She asked.

He snapped his head in her direction and furrowed his brow at her.

"You're allowing me to hold her?" He retorted.

"I am. Please, hold your daughter." Elisabete told him.

He leaned forward and carefully took her into his arms. As he held her, he kept his eyes on Elisabete's while he chuckled. He felt the girl squirming in his arms and he laughed merrily.

"Look at her." Elisabete scoffed.

His laughter died down and she slowly nodded her head as his face lit up with delight. He cast his eyes down at his daughter and his breath hitched in his throat when he saw her face. She did look exactly like him and he cradled her close to his chest. He began to sob as he rocked her in his arms.

"Oh, my sweet little girl, I'm going to love you until the day I die. No one will ever hurt you and I mean no one because your father is going to protect you until his dying breath." Loki whispered.

He laid a kiss to the girl's head and found himself unable to look away from her. She slowly opened her eyes and he chuckled seeing the emerald color for a few seconds before she closed them again. She squirmed in his arms and he stuck his finger out for her to wrap around her tiny fingers, which she did.

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