Chapter Twenty-Two

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 Elisabete watched as Edric and his father joined the rebellion. Now, she was stuck in the house with his mother. She requested she stay with her parents and siblings during this time to protect them from any harm. Knowing of how ill they were, she accepted and Elisabete temporarily moved back into her old home. Since her family was known to support the king, those who were part of the new rebellion decided to take their anger out on them. They'd throw stones and other objects at their house, paint horrible words on it, and scare them in the middle of the night by banging on their doors and windows. One night it became too much for them and Tadeus planned to take them all to Iona's village. Elisabete had written to her asking if they could stay and she agreed. Tadeus packed some clothes and food for their journey and was ready to leave in the middle of the night. He found Elisabete in their parents' bedroom, watching them as they slept.

"What are you still doing here? We must leave. Where is your baggage?" Tadeus inquired.

"I cannot leave them. They need someone here to help them." Elisabete replied softly.

"Elisabete, you know they are beyond help." Tadeus sighed.

"So what? You would rather leave them here to die than to help?" Elisabete asked.

"It isn't safe here and you know it." Tadeus told her.

"I can protect myself, Tadeus. Go with Liana and Capriana. They need safety too. Please, go with them." Elisabete replied.

"They will surely break in here and do something to you. You cannot be here by yourself." Tadeus explained.

"It is final, Tadeus. I am staying here no matter what happens. Go." Elisabete told him.

"Alright. Hopefully, we will see each other again. Good bye, Elisabete." Tadeus said softly.

"Good bye." Elisabete whispered.

She watched as Tadeus walked down the hallway and exited the house. She then ran towards the window in the main room by the front door and smiled weakly watching as they walked out of the village safely. She felt at ease knowing that they had not been spotted and made her way back into her parents' room and sat by the edge of their bed, making sure they stayed breathing throughout the night.

Back at the palace, Loki was getting his army ready to fight off the rebellion. Before anything he walked over to the head general of the army and pulled him aside.

"I do require something of you." Loki spoke.

"Yes, my king?" The man inquired.

"When in the village. If any one of your men comes across a girl with very sick, almost deathly ill, parents, order them not to touch her or the parents. She is not against me and has done no wrong." Loki told him.

"I will do as you command, my king." The man replied.

Loki sighed as the man walked away. For a few more moments he watched as they trained before storming out and heading to the observatory. There, he lit the flame and watched Elisabete. His expression softened as he looked upon Elisabete sitting at her parents' bedside, helping to feed them their dinner. In the background, he could softly hear shouts and metals clanging against each other. Suddenly, Elisabete jumped as she heard a loud bang against the side of her house. She looked out the window and sighed in defeat as a few men were running away. She quickly looked at the other windows, making sure they were locked.

"Please, my sweet daughter, go with Tadeus to Iona. Stay with them. It isn't safe here." Her father spoke.

"I cannot go. I cannot leave you two after all you have done for me." Elisabete told him.

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