Chapter Thirty-Five

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 Moments later, Elisabete looked up at Loki and could see the hesitation in his face as he stared down at Adelina. Her tiny body squirmed in her arms and Loki just watched her with a smile as his hand laid close by her, hovering above her body wanting to reach out to her. Elisabete furrowed her brow and moved her closer to him.

"You can hold her, you know. She is your daughter." Elisabete chuckled.

"I don't want to hurt her." Loki replied.

"You won't hurt her, Loki. She will always be safe in your arms since she has you to always protect her from harm." Elisabete told him.

"That's true." He sighed.

"I know you'd never let anything happen to a child, let alone your own." Elisabete explained.

Loki swallowed hard as he looked back down at his daughter. She was innocent and pure. She never did any wrong, just like Faust. He knew many would see his daughter as illegitimate and Faust as being the rightful heir to the throne, but he knew he would protect Adelina's life at all costs. She was truly his child and he loved knowing she was his. He finally had a child he never thought he could ever have. But, in that moment, he knew he didn't deserve any of this. He didn't deserve Elisabete, he didn't deserve the throne, and he surely didn't deserve his child. He was lying to everyone he loved. Going forward, he was aware he'd have to lie to his daughter. He knew she would never truly be the princess of Asgard, not while Thor was still alive. He despised having to lie to those around him. He wished he could tell them all the truth and have the weight be lifted off his shoulders, yet, if he did, he would risk losing Elisabete and his newborn child. He loved them both too much to lose them. They meant everything to him and Elisabete gave him love he never dreamed he could have. She loved him for who he was. She knew he was still a work in progress and did not judge him. She understood him and his troubles, and still stayed with him. He appreciated her for it and knew he couldn't let them go for his own selfish reasons. He wanted her to stay here, not only because he loved her, but because she made him feel loved, and he wanted to keep feeling this way. He'd be lost without her and now, with them having a child in the world, he would have to go to his grave with his secrets.

"I love her too much to hurt her." Loki spoke.

"Either way, you'll have to hold her soon," Eir chimed in. "Elisabete needs to rest and she has to gain her strength back, which means she won't be holding her any longer unless the girl has to feed."

"Oh." Loki said softly.

"See. Hold her, Loki. I do need my rest." Elisabete sighed.

She handed her over to him and he held his breath as he took her in his arms.

"Cradle her head with your hand and hold her bottom with the other. Hold her close to your chest and rock her softly." Eir instructed.

Loki did as he was told and furrowed his brow as Adelina began to squirm, waking from her slumber. She blinked a few times before opening her eyes and looking around the room for a moment. Loki just watched her explore her surroundings with her sight and looked on in awe as she slowly closed back her eyes and fell asleep. He chuckled to himself and leaned forward, laying a kiss to her head. For a few seconds, he pressed his head against hers gently and found himself tearing up. He loved her already and could not wait to watch her grow. She was everything Loki thought he could never have and he was going to treasure her for the rest of his life. He was going to spoil her rotten and would gladly die for her. If she were ever taken away from him, he would go mad.

As he admired her, Elisabete had fallen asleep as Eir monitored her vitals shortly before opening the door to the room. She ushered her family, and Ugo, inside. They all rushed towards the bed and they were first shocked to see the state that Elisabete was in.

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