Chapter Thirty-Two

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As the weeks went on, Elisabete grew concerned that a letter back from Vitaliya had not arrived. Loki was in a meeting with his council members when the door burst open to reveal a very agitated Elisabete and a flushed and panting Iona behind her. Loki stood from his seat and looked over at her to see her glaring at him. He chuckled as he looked over his council members and grinned.

"This shall only take a minute." Loki assured them all.

As he walked over to Elisabete, he gripped her arm and led her outside where the guards closed the doors so no one inside the room could hear their conversation. Iona stood off to the side with her head down, listening in on them. He pushed her forward and Elisabete furrowed her brow as she turned around to face him.

"Why have you come to disrupt my meeting?" Loki inquired.

"You know exactly why." Elisabete replied.

"Elisabete, I have no idea what you're talking about." Loki scoffed.

"My letter to Edric's mother," She stated. "I had one sent out and it's been weeks since I've heard a reply from her. I know you're in charge of things like that. Did it or did it not get sent to her?"
Loki exhaled sharply and thought of what he could tell her. If he wanted her to stay the pure and innocent woman she was, he'd have to do a much better job at shielding and hiding things from her.

"Has it ever occurred to you that maybe she might not wish to reply since she hates you?" Loki retorted.

"But that night she seemed so broken. All she wanted was an answer and I want to help provide her with one. Edric wasn't the best man alive but he was a man. He's a person who deserves to be with his family and live with the mistakes he'd made. All she wanted was her son back." Elisabete explained.

"Why do you care so much about them when they couldn't have cared less about you?" Loki questioned her.

"Because they're still people, Loki. They have feelings too." Elisabete replied sincerely.

"Why should we care for them when they have done nothing but hate you and put you down? They may still be people but they're bad people. Corrupted people that deserve nothing from you. I forbid you from reaching out to her or any member of that family." Loki told her.

"What?" Elisabete gasped. "Loki, you cannot do that."

"Why?" Loki asked, narrowing his eyes at her.

"Because you cannot control what I do. It's my own personal business." Elisabete replied.

"Elisabete, may I remind you that I am the king of this realm and I above you and everyone else on this realm and whatever I demand, I expect it to be done. If I find out you've tried to go behind my back and reach out to them, I will not be happy with you." Loki explained.

Elisabete furrowed her brow and stared at him with wide eyes. She was breathing heavily as her eyes scanned his face, trying to read his expression.

"Now, if you'll excuse me I must get back to my meeting which you so rudely interrupted." Loki snapped.

When she opened her mouth to speak, Loki stormed back into the room and Iona rushed towards her, taking her hand in hers.

"Let's go back to your chambers. You need to rest after any excitement. Eir's orders." Iona told her.

"I'm going to write another letter." Elisabete stated.

"Did you not listen to what he said?" Iona scoffed.

"He may be the king but he cannot control me. I am the queen and I have my own power. Not only does he rule this realm, but I do as well. I can take care of my own business." Elisabete explained.

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