Chapter Eighteen

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So many thoughts and questions ran through her mind. How could she tell Loki that Faust was Thor's son? How could she tell him without revealing that Sanit had slept with Thor? She knew Loki would be crushed and would hate her to have told him these truths when he believes all of it to be lies. Elisabete was aware of the rumors spoken about Sanit, but know she knew them all to be true. Sanit was an unfaithful, snake in the grass. Elisabete stopped in her tracks as she began to think about what Sanit's true motivation was to be linked with Loki. Was it power? Wealth? Love? Elisabete didn't know what to believe anymore. She thought herself naive and stupid to have believed in the faithfulness and purity of Sanit. She had deceived everyone around her.

She then remembered how Loki had spoken of her in the beginning of Sanit's stay. He had spoken of her with a loving voice. He truly cared for her and wanted her to be treated with respect. He even said he thought her to have been faithful to him in the years they were separated. Her blood boiled as she thought of how Sanit tricked them into believing her lies. She hated Sanit. Just thinking about her made her livid.

However, Elisabete knew she cared too much for Loki to see him get hurt. She had to make a decision and quickly. If she told him the truth, he may not believe her and hate her for telling him lies and cast her away like she had meant nothing to him in the first place. She loved him too much to do that. But, if she kept it a secret, she too would be playing in to the lies that Sanit created and be hurting Loki even more by not saying anything. Elisabete knew he would never believe her if she spoke the truth, but she didn't want him to go on blindly.

What made matters even worse for Elisabete in making her decision was the fact that Sanit was going to have Loki's child, and heir. If she told him the truth, what would he do to Sanit? She was untouchable. If she spoke the truth, he may not even believe the child to be his, and Elisabete had no idea what he would do to that baby. And more importantly, she had no idea what he would do to Faust if she revealed him to be Thor's son. She hated that she had been curious and read the letter. As her mind thought about what she was to do, she discovered she could not make a decision at the moment. She quickly made her way home and silently entered the house.

She gasped loudly as she opened the bedroom door to find Edric sitting in the chair by the bed, glaring at her. She closed the door and walked over to the bed, taking her night dress out from her drawer.

"Where were you?" Edric asked.

"My king has ordered for me to stay a few extra hours for my shift in the palace." Elisabete replied.

"A few extra hours? Elisabete, that will not do. You must tell him to change it." Edric told her.

"I cannot." Elisabete spoke quickly.

"Why?" Edric growled.

"Because...whatever my king has said is already set in stone and I have agreed to it. I cannot go back on my promise. He gave me an order and I must follow it." Elisabete explained.

"Just like a dog, no?" Edric scoffed.

"Yes...just like a dog." Elisabete muttered.

"These hours are ridiculous, Elisabete. You wake up early and stay there late? When will you sleep? He'll work you to death. Then, where will his precious little maid be?" Edric told her.

"I am used to these hours, Edric. Do not argue with me right now. I have a lot on my mind. I just want to sleep." Elisabete exhaled sharply.

Edric stood up from his seat and in the light, he immediately noticed the bruise on her neck. He furrowed his brow as he looked at it, causing Elisabete to look at him and scoffed.

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