Your Child Falls Asleep on a One Direction Member

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5SOS Preference : Your Child Falls Asleep on a One Direction Member

Luke: He watched carefully as the tiny baby fisted Zayn’s shirt with his tiny hands. “Is he asleep?” Luke asks, just above a whisper. Zayn glances down at the tiny infant resting on his chest and does a slight nod. “Out like a light.” Luke sighs and lays on the couch. “Thanks for helping get him to sleep, Zayn! (YN) and i were lost!” Zayn chuckles quietly and waves off the thanks. “Anytime man, anytime!”

Michael: The three year old had spent all day with Niall and called him her boyfriend. So once they got home, they watched movies until the little girl could no longer hold her eyes open and fell asleep with her head resting on Niall’s stomach. You and Michael walked in then and had to take a picture of the sight in front of you. “Wake her up?” Niall suggested and Michael shook his head. “Looks like you’ve got things covered.”

Ashton: “Am i holding her right?” Liam asked and both you and Ashton chuckled as Liam adjusted to holding the baby in his arms. “You’re holding her fine.” Ashton says,watching carefully as the newborn falls back to sleep in Liam’s arms. “See, she likes you already, she’s fallen asleep on you!” Liam grinned as he placed a kiss on the top of the baby’s head. “Precious baby.”

Calum: Having Louis babysit your son was most likely one of the worst things you could’ve done. When you came back home, the house was covered in flour and god only knows what else. You guys searched the home for Louis and your son and found them in the kitchen, flour surrounding their bodies. Your son, only 2 years old, on Louis’ chest, coated in flour. “He’ll clean it up when they wake up.” you say and Calum only nods.

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