His mom walks in on you two but you're married

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5SOS Preference : His mom walks in on you two but you’re married

Calum: “Did you hear that, Cal?” you ask looking up and behind you, while straddling Calum. Calum moved your head back to facing him and laughed. “You are too paranoid, babe, relax will you?” You shrug it off and go back to making out with Calum when you hear footsteps again and then your door bursting open and a scream from the doorway. “Calum!” she screamed and you turned around to see Calum’s mom in the doorway before staring back down at your husband. “I told you that i heard something, Calum! Going to doubt me again?” He shook his head as he covered you up before staring at his mother. “What are you doing here? Don’t you knock?” She shuddered then ran back down the hall and down the stairs. “Just when i thought no more awkward moments with my mother, this happens. What the hell? I’m a married man, this shouldn’t be happening to me!” You smirk and reach to the floor for your shirt. “Well it did happen, and she’s your mother, you deal with her!”

Michael: You were going down on him when you thought you had heard your front door opening, but you shook it off and continued to do what you were doing, making Michael moan louder and louder as each moment passed. Just as Michael was about to cum into your mouth, your bedroom door burst open and there stood Michael’s mom with her hands on her hips, that was until she saw what was going on then her eyes went to cover her eyes. “What the hell?” Both you and Michael scrambled for something to cover yourselves with and once you were both somewhat covered with blankets, you stared at Michael’s mother in the doorway. “Um, mom, why did you just storm in here? I’m not living at home now, i’m actually living in my own home with my wife and well, it’d just be a nice thing to do when you knock or call before just entering my home!” His mom slowly uncovered her eyes and held up a pair of keys. “I just thought that you two would want your car keys back, your car’s fixed! You’re welcome for me taking it to get fixed, from now on, i’ll just call first, yeah?” Michael nodded. “Yeah, that’d be nice mom.”

Ashton: “Ash, we’re at your parents house, and they’re right downstairs!” Ashton chuckled against your neck. “Yes, but i’m married to you now, so it should all be okay!” You shake your head as Ashton rolls over so that he was now on top. “Relax, babe, will you?” “No, Ashton i will not!” you say and he sits up so that he’s now straddling you. “Why not, (YN), seriously, we’re okay to do this!” You shake your head again. “No, we’re not, Ashton!” “Why do you keep saying we’re not, (YN)? I don’t get this.” You groan and point behind him. “Maybe it’s the fact that your mom is in the doorway staring us down and probably most likely embarrassed but now she just wants to make a point, or maybe it’s the fact that, well actually that is the fact that i’m going with.” Ashton slowly turned to face his mom before whipping back around and letting his head fall between your boobs. “I’m such a dumbass!” Both you and his mom giggle at that and smile. “Yes you are, Ashton, but we still love you nonetheless.”

Luke: “This is not how i raised you, Lucas!” she ranted off, pacing in front of your bed in your room. Luke groaned and held the covers closer to his chest. “Mom, i’m married now, and um, yeah, i’m not a child anymore and this is my house!” Liz stopped pacing and stared daggers at the two of you. “I don’t want to walk in on you having sex Luke, i don’t care if you’re married or not!” You sat up straighter in the bed and glared right back at her. “Liz, this is our house, not yours. We can do whatever we want in our house, you can not tell us what we can or can not do, we’re both adults and we can both make our own decisions. And by the way, yeah i’m going to say it again, this is our house. You should probably knock before you just walk in, it’d be way safer that way and less embarrassing later on!” Luke nodded in agreement with you as he stared at his mom. “She’s right mom, i knew i married the right girl.” you blushed at that and Luke pointed to the door. “Some privacy, mom?”

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