You Were a Bet Part 3

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Michael: The second you left the bus you realized it was stupid. You were in a foreign country by yourself, and all of your belongings were back on the bus. You knew you’d have to go back pretty soon, but that didn’t stop you from walking through the empty parking lot aimlessly. “Y/n!” you heard the familiar voice of Michael call out. You froze, but didn’t turn around. You heard his footsteps behind you, and soon he was standing breathlessly in front of you. “Long run?” you questioned, looking back at the hundred yards between you and the bus. Michael nodded as he caught his breath. “Look,” he began finally, “It started out as a bet. Calum didn’t think I’d be able to date a fan for a year, but I had told him I could. They picked you and I asked you out.” “Is this story supposed to make me less angry?” You wondered aloud. “That’s the goal,” he admitted, “Just hear me out.” You crossed your arms and waited expectantly for Michael to continue. “After our first date I realized you were actually really great. Nothing after that was fake. I completely forgot about the bet for months! I really fell in love with you.” “It’s just hard to believe you,” you explained. “I know,” Michael sighed, “But you know how bad of an actor I am. Do you really think I could’ve faked all of my feelings for a whole year?” “I guess not,” you agreed with a bit of a laugh. “Exactly,” Michael confirmed, “I love you! And I don’t want to lose you because of some stupid bet I made before I even met you.” “How much was the bet for?” you asked suddenly. “I’m supposed to get three hundred dollars,” Michael mumbled. “Well, go get it,” you laughed, “I expect to be spoiled with that money.” “It’s all yours,” Michael chuckled before kissing you gently.

Calum: “Are you gonna go after her?” Luke asked, breaking the silence. “What would I say?” Calum asked hopelessly. “That you didn’t just use her to get Ashton on stage in his underwear,” Luke suggested angrily. “I can’t,” Calum admitted, biting his lip anxiously. “What do you mean you can’t?” Luke questioned instantly. “Y/n is a really good friend,” Calum sighed, “But, well, I did use her I guess.” “You didn’t even like her?” Luke clarified in utter surprise. “No, I did!” Calum assured him, “I just think we’re better as friends is all.” “I can’t believe you,” Luke muttered, shaking his head slowly. “Look, I’m just not looking for a serious girlfriend! You can’t hate me for that!” Calum defended. “She was in love with you, Calum!” Luke pointed out angrily, “If you didn’t want a serious girlfriend you could’ve made that clear to her before you dated her for three months just to get in her pants!” “I’m sorry, okay?!” Calum relented with a shrug. “You can tell Y/n that,” Luke returned before hurrying out to find you. He was surprised to see you sitting in your car in Calum’s driveway. A gentle knock at your passenger window startled you. You unlocked the door and Luke climbed in. “Hey,” Luke greeted weakly. “Did you know?” you questioned, not wasting time with formalities. Luke winced but nodded. You nodded back, lapsing into silence.”I’m sorry,” Luke offered quietly. You shrugged, not knowing what to say. “I thought he liked you,” Luke explained, as if that would make things better. “Me too,” you replied with a quiet laugh. “Do you wanna get out of here?” Luke suggested. You thought for a moment, looking back at Calum’s door before turning to Luke. “He’s not even coming out to explain?” you wondered, trying to keep your voice even. “I don’t think so,” Luke answered gently. You nodded and turned on the car, wanting to get as far from Calum as possible.

Luke: You were back at Luke’s place, looking around his flat curiously. “Can I, uh, can I get you something to drink?” Luke offered. You opened your mouth to respond when you heard the sound of loud voices from the hall. “I can’t find the key,” one deep voice shouted. Luke looked toward the door in alarm before grabbing your hand and pulling you into his bedroom. “What’s going on?” you questioned, peering into the living room. “My friends from the bar sort of are living here, too,” Luke mentioned shyly. “Oh,” you nodded, listening hard for the sound of voices. “I can’t believe Luke got that girl,” one voice admitted in awe. “He better be giving her a great time in there,” another laughed. “We’ll probably be hearing them all night!” the first voice added, causing the others to laugh. Luke turned to you with wide eyes and red cheeks, and you knew exactly what he was thinking. “I came home with you, and that’s all you’re getting,” you declared firmly. “They’ll either know we aren’t doing it or they’ll think I’m terrible if we just sit here!” Luke pointed out in distress. You sighed. Something about this boy made it so hard to say no. “Oh, Luke!” you screamed, “YES!” Luke smirked and you shot him a glare. Climbing onto the bed, you started jumping, banging the wall every few seconds for good measure. “Come on,” you invited, reaching a hand out for Luke. He joined you, jumping on the bed and trying to keep from laughing. “You’re so good, baby, yes!” you moaned out, rolling your eyes at Luke. “You should probably orgasm soon,” Luke recommended in a whisper. “Maybe you should tell me to,” you challenged. Luke sighed, blushing deep red as he grunted, “Cum for me, baby,” as loud as he could. You bit back laughter, gaining control of yourself before doing your best imitation of an orgasm. Luke laughed, but nodded his approval. “What? You’re not gonna finish?” you questioned curiously. You were surprised to see Luke go even redder than before as he moaned loudly, a string of curse words mixed with compliments poured from his lips. “Alright then,” you sighed, taking a seat on the bed, “We can do that again in a few minutes.” “I owe you one,” Luke pointed out gratefully. “Yeah, no kidding,” you responded, rolling your eyes.

Ashton: You hit the elevator call button again and again, impatiently praying for it’s arrival. Finally it slid open, and you were grateful to find it empty. You barely had the chance to step inside before Ashton came running down the hallway, slipping into the elevator at the last second. You sighed, looking away from him pointedly. “Can we talk?” Ashton pleaded. “You can talk,” you invited stiffly. “Before I asked you out I was telling the boys how I really wanted to go out with you, and they didn’t think you’d ever go out with me. Calum made the bet that if I, er, if I could get you to sleep with me in two months he’d give me a hundred bucks. Looking back on it, it was a really stupid thing to do. That’s why I called him this morning. I wanted to call off the bet. I didn’t want to ruin what we had with that stupid deal.” “Oh,” you responded indifferently. “Do you believe me?” Ashton inquired hopefully. “I dunno,” you answered with a shrug. “I really really like you,” Ashton explained desperately, “Please believe me.” “I just don’t wanna risk getting hurt again,” you explained, finally meeting his worried eyes. Ashton nodded that he understood. “I just - I think I need some time,” you decided apologetically. “I understand,” Ashton confirmed sadly. The ding of the elevator hitting the lobby floor made you both look up. “Maybe I’ll call you,” you offered weakly before stepping out of the elevator. You sent Ashton a halfhearted smile and slid on your shades, hoping to avoid the paparazzi. 

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