You Were a Bet Part 2

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Michael: The boys made their way down to the fans, relieved to find they were a relatively calm bunch. They chatted and took pictures, but on all of their minds was the bet. “How about that one,” Luke suggested, nodding toward you. Michael watched as you talked to your friend excitedly. He listened hard, laughing when he heard you say, “Michael’s so much hotter in real life. I don’t think I can talk to him! I’m so nervous.” “Fine,” Michael agreed, making his way over to you. Luke signaled Ashton and Calum, and the three watched surreptitiously as Michael approached you. “Hello, love,” he greeted you. You froze until your friend nudged you. “H-hi,” you stuttered in awe, “Um, could I get a picture?” “I can do you one better,” Michael offered, “How about dinner?” “Are you serious?” you asked, thinking this must be some cruel prank. Michael laughed, but nodded. You went to dinner, and Michael was relieved to find that you got over your shock rather quickly. He found himself thinking he really could be with you for a year. He asked you out again, and he asked you out again after that. The two of you were happy, and the bet was nearly forgotten. With Michael being away on tour and you focused on school, your one year anniversary approached quickly. You flew out to visit him on tour for the week, and he couldn’t have been happier. You woke up on your anniversary morning, excited for the secret plans Michael had spent all week eluding to. Finding yourself alone in his tour bus bed, you headed toward the lounge in search of your boyfriend. You were about to slide open the door when you heard voices that made you halt. “I can’t believe you did it,” Calum stated, sounding impressed. “I honestly forgot about the bet,” Michael insisted, “I don’t want the money.” “You won fair and square,” Ashton admitted, “Take it.” “It’s not like that anymore, though,” Michael tried to explain, “I’m in love with her.” “Dude, you made it a year,” Calum sighed, “You won. Can you drop the act now?” “It’s not an act!” Michael argued, growing frustrated, “It wasn’t for the bet! I actually liked her!” You finally slid the door open, revealing yourself to the boys. With tears brimming in your eyes and your lip trembling, there was no doubt you heard them. “Dammit,” Michael mumbled, getting to his feet and hurrying over to you. “I was a bet?” you questioned, wanting him to tell you it was just a joke. “Well, at first, but it’s different now!” Michael explained hurriedly. You felt the guilty stares from Michael’s three friends, and the even guiltier one from Michael. “I knew it was too good to be true,” you laughed bitterly. “It wasn’t! It’s not!” Michael tried to assure you. He moved toward you and you slapped him, leaving him and yourself stunned. He touched his stinging cheek in surprise but you could barely see his shocked expression through your tear-filled eyes. “Bye, Michael,” you stated numbly, brushing past him and out of the parked bus.

Calum: The next three months were a whirlwind. It was right after your competition that Calum asked you on a date. You agreed, surprised by his sudden interest but too excited to question it. Despite Luke’s warnings to take things slowly, you really felt you were falling for Calum Hood. There you were, the day before he left for tour, snuggled on his couch in silence. “I’m gonna miss you so much,” you mumbled into his shirt. “I’m gonna miss you, too,” Calum sighed, kissing the top of your head. You scooted up, attaching his lips to yours. Things got heated quickly, and clothing articles were soon strewn across the floor. You were straddling Calum when you separated your lips from his. This was as far as the two of you had gone, but now you wanted more. “Do you want to -?” Calum questioned breathlessly. You nodded and he wasted no time. Between moans of pleasure and confessions of love, you and Calm lost track of time. ”The boys are gonna be over soon,” you pointed out an hour later, “We should get dressed.” Calum sighed, tossing you your clothes before pulling on his own. You had just finished cleaning up when the doorbell rang, announcing the arrival of Calum’s three friends and the pizza they brought over. “I’ll go grab some drinks,” you offered, pecking Calum’s lips before heading into the kitchen. “Guess who isn’t going on stage in his underwear,” Calum announced the second you were out of earshot. “No way,” Michael stated in awe. “I was getting nervous, I’ll admit,” Calum shared, “Today was the cutoff date, but yeah we did it.” “There’s no way I’m going on stage in my underwear,” Ashton refused instantly. “Yes you are,” Calum argued. “That’ll be so embarrassing!” Ashton whined. “”That was the bet!” Calum pointed out, raising his voice inadvertently. “Calum,” Luke interrupted, glancing toward the kitchen nervously. “No,” Calum refused, “I’m not letting you off the hook. I slept with her!” “Calum, shut up,” Luke demanded as the kitchen door opened. “I won the bet!” Calum continued to argue, “I slept with Y/n, so you have to go on stage in your underwear! That was the deal.” “Uh oh,” Luke muttered, seeing you in the doorway. You dropped the five beers in your arms in surprise, which caught Calum’s attention. “I was a bet?” you repeated in shock. “I - uh, not the whole time,” Calum offered weakly. You shook your head, storming out of Calum’s house without another word.

Luke: Luke took a seat beside you, but you took no notice. “Hey,” he greeted quietly. You turned away from the bartender at the sound of his greeting. “Oh, hi,” you responded with a smile. “Can I buy you a drink?” Luke offered. “Sure,” you accepted, looking him over curiously. “I’m Luke, by the way,” he shared. “Hi, Luke. I’m Y/n,” you returned. You waited for him to say something else, but instead caught him nervously glancing at a group of three boys huddled at a table in the corner. “So are those your friends or are you checking them out?” you questioned with a smirk. “Oh, them? I don’t know them,” Luke lied quickly. “Really?” you wondered, “Because they’ve been watching you since you sat down, and you’ve looked at them more than you’ve looked at me. Plus, I saw you walk in with them.” “So you noticed me?” Luke gathered with a smirk. “You’re cute,” you admitted with a shrug, “You’re pretty weird though. Is this your first time talking to a girl or something?” “No,” Luke answered, looking hurt. “Well, what’s the big deal then?” you questioned, “Did your friends dare you to talk to me?” You laughed until you saw Luke’s face. “They did?” you clarified, laughing harder now, “What’s the deal?” “A hundred fifty bucks and they won’t make fun of my game ever again if I can get you to go home with me,” he admitted in a rush. “I’m only worth a hundred fifty?” you questioned, faking hurt. Luke blushed, mumbling something about asking for more. “Well, let’s get out of here then,” you sighed, hopping from your seat. “Are you serious?” Luke asked in awe. “I’m not sleeping with you,” you pointed out with a frown, “but I’ll go to your house. Ya know, make your friends believe it.” “Wow, thanks,” Luke uttered, unable to wipe the surprised look from his face. You stepped closer to Luke, bringing your lips to his ear before whispering, “If you want your friends to believe it, you need to stop looking so surprised.” Luke nodded and gulped hard. You giggled touching his arms in your most flirtatious act. “Put your hands on me or something,” you directed, rolling your eyes. Luke hesitated before placing a hand on the small of your back. “Good,” you directed, “Now, I dunno, do something sexy.” “Um,” Luke bit his lip as he tried to think of something sexy to do. “That’ll work,” you decided, “The lip ring works wonders for you.” You touched it gently and Luke grinned. “Are they watching?” you questioned. Luke looked to his friends before nodding. “Whisper something in my ear so we can leave,” you instructed. Luke bent down, his cold lip ring brushing your ear as he whispered, “I have no idea what’s going on.” You laughed a genuine laugh, shaking your head at the incredibly awkward boy. “Now guide me out,” you commanded. Luke lead you toward the door, his hand slipping onto your butt as a last show for the boys. “Don’t push your luck, Luke,” you muttered. “Sorry,” Luke responded instantly, his hand returning to your waist.

Ashton: You were hesitant about going out with another celebrity at first, but Ashton’s charm easily won you over. Then there you were, waking up in his hotel room after another great date. Things with Ashton were always so easy and relaxed, and you couldn’t help falling for him quickly. After only a month together, you really felt like he was something special. He begged you to stay the night, and you gave in easily. There was no pressure with him and no expectations. The two of you stayed up most the night talking, and you finally fell asleep with his arms loosely wrapped around you. In the late morning you opened your eyes, finding to your dismay that the other half of the bed was empty. Hearing his voice in the other room, you tiptoed toward the open door to find him. He was on the phone, and the words you heard made you freeze. “I need to call the bet off,” he insisted seriously. You stayed quiet, listening to find out what bet he could have made. You didn’t peg Ashton as the gambling type. “No, not because I’m afraid I’ll lose,” he scoffed. “Calum, listen,” he sighed after a moment, “I know it started out as a bet, but I really like her now and I don’t wanna screw this up.” Your eyes widened and the wheels in your mind turned as you pieced together the conversation. “I can’t tell her!” he explained in exasperation, “She’d never trust me again!” “Whatever,” he finished finally, “I gotta go. I’ll call you later.” He hung up and turned around, freezing when he found you in the doorway. The color drained from his face as his shocked eyes met yours. “How much of that did you hear?” Ashton asked quietly. “Enough to know you’re even more disgusting than my last boyfriend,” you answered, too shocked to move. “No, I’m really not,” he explained in a rush, “I really do like you!” “I need to get going,” you stated quickly, not wanting Ashton to see the tears ready to spill. “Please wait!” Ashton begged, grabbing your arm as you tried to hurry past him. “Ashton, let me go,” you begged, the tears spilling without resistance now. “I need to explain,” Ashton offered. “I don’t want to hear any more lies,” you decided. You pulled your arm from Ashton’s grasp and hurried out the door without another word.

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