Little Bird

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Little Bird- Ed Sheeran (Boys POV)


"And tell me, if I lie down, would you stay now, and let me hold you?""Babe, you home." I called out, not getting a reply. I had come over early in hopes of having her make me breakfast since the boys haven't gone shopping in awhile. I walked around her apartment, looking for signs of life. Finally reaching her bedroom, I open the door slowly, trying not to make a sound. Inside her room, I could see the outline of her body laying underneath the thick blankets, concentrated on her phone steadily. My guess was that she's reading. "Love." I said softly, and she looked up. "Oh, hey Luke, when did you get here?" She put her phone down and made a move to get up out of bed. "Hey, don't get out of bed, I just got here. But I can leave if you weren't planning on getting up yet." She smiled up at me, and pulled to covers back over her. "I ended up staying out a lot later last night than I thought, 's why I'm not up yet, sorry." I shook my head, and let out a chuckle. I knew that if she went out clubbing she wouldn't be home before midnight like she planned, but she wouldn't listen when I told her. "Babe, I know I said I'd leave, but maybe, would you mind if I stay for awhile? The boys and I haven't gone shopping in awhile so we have no food at the house, so maybe I can stay for a little and, yeah know, maybe like, hold you while you rest, and then I could make you breakfast, if you don't mind. Unless you want me to leave and then I'll go but-" I awkwardly rambled before she cut me off. "Luke, get over here you big idiot." She stated, before lifting the covers for me to climb in to.


"But if I kiss you, will your mouth read this truth?" "No, Michael, you don't get to just come in here, while I'm still in a very happy relationship with my boyfriend of three years, and tell me that you're in love with me. You don't get to just expect me to just drop him for you just cause you 'love me', Michael, that isn't something you can expect of me. I just, no." By the end of yelling at me from across the room, her small frame shook with heavy breathes, angered at my earlier statement. I had told her I was in love with her, which I was. Only problem here was her bastard of a boyfriend, who it know for a fact, treated her like shit. They were most definitely not in love, I could see it, hell, anyone could. "You don't love him, I can see it in your eyes. You love pizza, you love dogs, you love rain, hell, you love those damn black heels you have hidden in your closet because he hates them, but what you do not love, is him. Anyone can tell you two have no chemistry." I yelled right back, my arms flailing around trying to make a point. We had been going at it like this for well over an hour. "Michael! You can't just say that to someone." She seemed shocked at what I had said. Didn't surprise me though, she always thought she was a good actor, even though she wasn't. "Well, if your not going to listen to me, I'll just have to prove it to you." I told her sternly, before walking straight at her. "What are you doi-" She never got to finish what she was saying, because I pushed my mouth on her, hard, proving her wrong with just one kiss.


"Darling, how I miss you. Strawberries taste how lips do." "So how have you classes been going? Is that one Enlgish teach still being an ass?" I questioned, trying to ease the obvious awkwardness that was happening right now. I knew she probably wasn't the happy with me, I had been so busy recording all week that I hadn't been able to call her at all. Nine days I went without talking to her, it was god awful. I hated being away from her from so long, but I would be seeing her soon, hopefully. "Yeah, he is, and they've been okay I guess, as good as college classes can get. Lots of studying, just the norm." That sorta struck a chord. Somewhere deep inside. She was living a normal life, going to college, she'd moved out from her parents place, and I know she had been going to parties, the norm. Things I had thought I'd be doing, but here I was, in a strained relationship thousand miles away from home, where I really wanted to be. "You know I love you right, and I really do truly miss you. Yesterday, I was eating a bowl of strawberries, and all I could think about was how they tasted just like your favorite lip gloss you always wear. And I know I always complain about how sticky it is but I really do love it and it just tastes like you and I just, I miss you, and I'm sorry I haven't called but can you please stop being mad at me, I hate it when I'm homeland it's even worse when I'm away because I can't make it up to you like I would if I was there, and it's not helping how much I miss you."


"Come inside, for a little home made tea. If you fall asleep, then at least you're next to me." "So, I haven't seen you in a while." She shuffled back and forth, like she was feeling nervous or something. But when she showed up at my door, three months after we broke up, I guess she had a right to feel that way. "Yeah, um, it's been a while, but can I ask what you're doing on my porch?" I questioned, trying hard not to sound rude. "I um, I think I left that one white scarf my mom gave me here, I just wondered if you'd found it or..." she trailed off. A scarf seemed like a pretty silly reason for her to come all the way across town, but I didn't question it, truth be told I really missed her. "I haven't seen it, but your welcome to come in, I can put some tea on and we can look around for it, okay?" She nodded and smiled, walked through the door when I stepped back for her. I told her to go start looking, while I put a kettle on. After filling it with water, and putting it on the stove, I jogged the steps and jointed her in my room, the one we once shared. "Any luck?" I asked, scaring her with my sudden appearance, and she jumped. "No. It doesn't seem to be here." "Well we can keep looking, it has to be here somewhere." I assured her. We kept looking until I heard the kettle start to whistle. We both went down then, and sat at the small table in the kitchen sipping tea, a silence hanging in the air. "Well, it's getting sort of late, maybe I should head home, and I could come back tomorrow and have another look around for it." She broke the silence. I looked at her, she looked really worn out, dark circles rested under her eyes, something I hadn't noticed until just then. "It would be silly for you to drive all the way home just to come back tomorrow, you can stay here if you'd like. You can take my bed and I'll crash on the couch." "Cal, we've shared a bed before, if I'm staying over, we can both sleep in you bed, I'd hate to make you sleep on the couch, that thing is terribly uncomfortable." We both laughed, and suddenly, it wasn't so awkward between us. And when we both settle in bed for the night, it almost seemed as if things were back to the way they were before we had broken up.

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