Friends First Time (Luke)

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Luke Smut (Friends' First Time)

It's News Year Eve and you're spending it at your best friend Luke's parents party at his house. Empty champagne bottles line the counters, and raucous laughter drifts from the kitchen to where the two of you are holed up down the hall in his room. You both sip sulkily at your flutes of sparkling grape juice. Your parents feel they still have the right to refuse you any real champagne while they guzzle it by the bottle all night long. Luke studies your expression. "I could sneak some wine coolers from the fridge. I'm sure they're all to drunk by now to notice." For some reason, he's speaking in low whisper, as if they could hear us scheming all the way from here. "Yeah okay, let's go," you say hopping up from your cross-legged position on his bed. You tiptoe down the hall and into the kitchen, passed the dining room, where the group of adults are talking and howling with laughter. Just as he's searching the fridge for wine coolers, his mum calls, "What are you kids doing in there?" Luke freezes. "Uh, just getting some more sparkling apple juice, Mrs. Hemmings," you say. "Oh okay, what are you kids up to in there?" She continues. Luke closes the fridge, heading for the hall. "Nothing, mum. Just hanging out as always." You slip back into his room and plop back down at your spot on his bed. "Too bad you didn't get any," you sigh, looking at the carbonated apple juice with distaste. "Oh really?" Luke asks and brandishes two Smirnoff Ice's from beneath his shirt. "It was the first thing I could grab," he shrugs. "Fine by me," you say, taking one of the drinks from him and unscrewing the cap. You bring the drink to your lips at the instant it hits your lips, it's already infinitely better than the sparkling juice. Plus you can get a buzz. Luke hasn't opened his yet. He just holds it and occasionally runs his finger over the ribbed edge of the cap. "Remember last New Years?" He asks suddenly. "Yeah, it wasn't anything special. Same as we're doing tonight," you answer, shrugging. "Well yeah, but do you remember what we talked about?" "Not really. Well, we made that stupid pact." Luke looks at you intently as if waiting for the idea to sink in. "What? No. Really? Luke, that was a stupid thing we made up for the hell of it." "I took it seriously. Come on. You still haven't had sex with anyone...neither have I. Why wouldn't we just get it over with?" "Because I want it to be special, not just something we're getting out of the way. I want it to be with someone who loves me." "I love you. I mean, you know as my best friend. Isn't that close enough?" "I guess. You don't think it'd be weird at all?" "No. We know each other better than anyone else." "But our parents are in the dining room?" "They're already pissed off their asses. They wouldn't notice. How loud do you plan on being anyway?" Luke adds with a smug grin. "Oh shut up, I don't know!" You're suddenly aware of how close you and Luke are. You can practically smell the scent of his aftershave rolling off his body and his hand is inches from yours on the bed. You look into his eyes for a moment. "Okay," you finally breathe. Luke suddenly dips his head to yours, pecking your lips. You give him a startled look. "Sorry, just wanted to see if it'd be awkward." "That wasn't even a second long. You gotta give me a real kiss," you say. Your hands pull his face to yours again. Your lips touch again, but you don't let him pull away. Instead, you take your time tasting his lips, savouring the foreign feel they have on yours. You finally pull off after a minute, your eyes scanning his. "Well?" You prod. His tongue runs over his bottom lip, and it looks like the wheels are churning in his head. Slowly though, a smile breaks out on his lips and he smashes his mouth back on yours. His fingers tug at your sweater. Your mind races a million miles a minute. This is Luke, your best friend, taking off your shirt, kissing you. Will this change anything? What if you accidentally start liking him more than a friend but he doesn't see you like that? You stop yourself from thinking further, temporarily shutting off your brain so you can enjoy the boy in front of you. Luke helps you pull your t-shirt over your head, and the moment your hands are free, you're yanking at his. You hands return to his neck, pulling him back to you to kiss you breathlessly. "You still good?" Luke pauses to ask. You quickly nod in reply. His hands rest on your bare shoulder blades. He moves them timidly down to your bra strap, popping the clasp. The piece of material falls onto the sheets between you. Luke brings his hands back around to cup your chest. He leans down to press light kisses to your skin. This new feeling causes butterflies to erupt in your stomach. His hand creeps down your stomach, to the place you've never felt him before. You watch as his fingers rub slowly up and down. "This okay?" Luke breathes. You look away from his movements to catch his eyes. From the softness of his blue eyes, you can tell how much he wants to please you, to be gentle with you. You nod, finding no air to speak. With your approval, he kisses you chastely before returning his mouth to your neck, experimenting with the way your soft skin feels beneath this teeth and lips. His fingers continue their slow, sensual trail across your special place. "Just want to make sure. I want to do everything right for you," Luke murmurs against your skin. "Can I-can I try touching you?" You ask timidly, feeling the heat rise to your face. "Please," he replies, the urgency quite apparent in his voice. "Okay, um, just bear with me. I don't know what I'm doing." "Just do something and I'll let you know if it's good," Luke coaxes. You fidget with his bedspread before tucking your fingers under the hem of his shirt. As you slowly lift the fabric, his surprisingly lean and toned stomach peaks out from underneath. Luke helps you to pull his shirt over his head, then lets it slip casually to the floor from his fingers. You just stare at his chest. HIs body radiates its own kind of feeling, like the song of a siren, beckoning you closer and closer. You both sit cross-legged across from each other, knees touching. Your hands automatically wind themselves around Luke's neck and pull him in for a deep kiss. If tonsil hockey was an Olympic sport, you'd win Gold. As your tongue works on his, your hands are busy running over every contour of his chest, memorizing each muscle. You love the way he flinches beneath your fingers. You love that you can make him feel this way. You find yourself becoming more brazen, and you let your hands gradually drift further down his abs until you brush over the rough material of his jeans. He flinches again, though it's more noticeable this time. You venture to unzip his pants. You're busy watching your hands intently to look at Luke, but you can feel his gaze burning into you. Finally, you slip your hand inside his jeans, deliberately looking up into his piercing blue eyes. You can see his mouth go dry as you stroke him tentatively. His eyes switch back and forth from watching your hand moving in his pants, to your gaze. Luke sucks his bottom lip in, using his tongue to play with his piercing. You start to palm him faster, going in for a kiss. You run your tongue over his lip ring, just as he had been doing a second ago. Luke catches you by surprise, pulling you onto his lap as you continue to make out. He begins to suggestively rock back and forth, the material of his jeans rubbing against your panties. You follow his lead and begin to grind down on him, while still keeping it steady and controlled. Luke turns his attention back to your neck, suctioning his lips to your skin. Meanwhile, you continuously snake your arms from the middle of his back to his now deliciously dishevelled hair. It stands on end every time you run your fingers through it. And that's not the only thing you've got standing now. You can help but let a small unexpected moan tumble from your lips. Without warning, Luke moves his hands to support your bum, leaning forward so he lays you down gently. He's left hovering above you, but quickly turns his attention back to lavishing your body with his soft, wet kisses. He trails them down between your boobs, stopping shortly to kiss your belly button. Lastly, Luke kisses your mound once before sitting up slightly on his knees. "You ready?" You nod rapidly and croak out a 'yes'. He wastes no time in pulling your panties off, then removing his boxers. He rubs his tip against your wetness leisurely. You can feel him at your entrance. Your mind forces you to think about what's about to happen. Never in the six years you've known Luke have you ever had the desire to do this, but now that it's happening, it seems so instinctual. You hold onto his upper arms for support. "Just hurry up and fuck me." Luke's taken aback by your brass, but begins to push himself into you. You hold your breath, eyes closed. Pleasure, pleasure. That's all you want to focus on. You wince as Luke is almost the full way in. He halts for a second, but you give him the death glare, as if saying you'll kill him if he stops. "Start thrusting," you command Luke. He starts out short and slow, but begins to settle into a steady rhythm after a few thrusts. "Did we lock the door?" Luke asks suddenly. "Is that really what's on your mind right now?" You glare. "What if my parents barge in?" "They won't. God, go faster Luke!" You order, rocking yourself into his hips. Before he can run his mouth again, you grab Luke by his hair and pull him roughly to your lips. He pulls away suddenly mid-kiss. "Did you hear that?" He asks. "What?" Luke stops thrusting, though his hips continue to oscillate. "I thought I heard someone in the hallway." "I swear to God I will get right out from under you and leave right now, Luke Hemmings. Is that what you want?" You threaten. "No-I mean, of course not. It's just-aren't you afraid of getting caught?" "Maybe this'll answer your question," you say, using all your strength to roll yourself out from under Luke and flip you both so you're riding him cowgirl style. "Woah, um okay," Luke says with big eyes. "What?" You ask. "That was hot." "Well since you seem to be too preoccupied to fuck me properly, I'm taking over." With a slight shove, you push Luke's body down onto the bed, leaving your hands there to keep you steady. "You just sit back and watch," you order. You begin to bounce slowly, taking short pauses in between to grind your hips onto his. "Woah, woah, okay slow down," Luke grunts. You stop bouncing, and lean towards him so you're laying chest-to-chest. You kiss him slowly, working your tongue into his mouth. While you make out, you gyrate your hips agonizingly steadily. You pull away from Luke's lips to study his face. "What do you really think of me?" You suddenly ask him. He looks surprised at this serious question at such a strange time. "What do you mean?" "Well, you must think I'm okay enough to make me your first. But, I mean-" "(y/n), I'm not doing this just to get it over with. I couldn't imagine doing it with anyone else. Do you know how many times I've tried to ask you out over just this year?" "None-I would remember that...and say yes." "Then you're not listening." "Shut up, you've never once asked me out." "Well I'm asking you now then. On a real date." "Well I don't know how I can say no." "Don't then." "I wasn't planning on it dummy." You smile, and Luke immediately grins back. His lips are still only an inch away, so you kiss him, full force, as if trying to explain to him that the guy of your dreams has just asked you on a date. "Is my coat in here, Liz?" Both of yours heads shoot up, because the door is open and none other than your mother's big-mouthed wine-o friend barges in. "Oh my!" She yelps in surprise, the giggles taking over. "Don't-" you both begin, but are cut off my the hiccupy, drunken woman in the doorway. "Liz! You will never believe what's happening right now in your son's bedroom!" She shouts down the hallway. Your life flashes before your eyes as you hear the scooting of chairs at the table and several sets of feet stamping down the hall. "He's doing the dance with no pants with his girl friend here!" "WHAT?!" You have no time to finish. You're thrown off the bed when Luke sits bolt upright. "Sorry!" He hisses as he hurries to yank his pants back on-sans boxers. You follow his lead and begin to frantically pull your clothes back on. Your mums friend is still cackling in the doorway, but is pushed aside by Liz. The hell hounds are on your heels. This is it-the moment your life ends. "Mum, we weren't doing anything!" Luke protests. "Bullshit, Luke Hemmings!" This is the first time you've actually heard her swear. She turns to you. "As for you! If it weren't parents being smashed in the dining room, I'd send you straight home. But since I can't, you are coming out into the living room and are not to set foot in my son's bedroom as long as I live!" "Yes, ma'am." She nudges you out of the room, you looking at your feet the whole time. You look back at Luke and the bedroom in which you will not be allowed to step foot in for the rest of Liz's existence. He shrugs and points at his cell phone. You check yours and see you've got a text from his. It reads: We'll finish that another time. Promise. You smile to yourself and quickly type back: Maybe at my house this time? Your phone pings again. I want that date first. And even as you sit on the couch in the living room, under the constant supervision of Mrs. Hemmings, you can't help but think that this has been the best New Year's ever.

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