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Preference - Caught


You peeked one eye open and looked around your bedroom. Everything was so quiet, so still. So peaceful. In the Hood household, there was barely ever any quiet besides the mornings when everyone was still asleep. Your parents were always noisy with whatever they were doing, your sister was constantly yapping and your twin brother, Calum, was always listening or playing music. Your household was crazy. But right now it was so tranquil that all you could do was smile.

"What are you smiling at?" A croaky yet husky and sexy voice came from beside you and you turned your head, continuing to smile as you watched Ashton stretch and rub his eyes, his hand soon finding its way to rest upon your hip.

"It's so quiet. It's usually so loud hear...because of you and your stupid drums," you teased and Ashton grinned, placing a kiss on your collar bone and leaving his head resting on your shoulder.

"You love my banging," he muttered, looking up at you with a cheeky grin and you laughed quietly, pushing his head off your shoulder.

"I still can't believe you stayed the night," you said with a smile. You and Ashton had been sneaking around for a couple of months now. You hadn't told anyone about your relationship, mainly because you knew Calum would murder the both of you. Ashton had never stayed the night whilst the whole family was still in the house but you weren't complaining; waking up was a lot better with Ashton being there next to you.

"It's exciting," he said quietly as you turned into his side, tracing patterns along his bare torso with your fingers.

"What is?" You asked inaudibly.

"All this sneaking around, trying not to get caught. It's like a game," he grinned and you laughed. Ashton rolled over; his body now on top of yours as he rested his arms on either side of your head so that he wasn't crushing you.

"I love your laugh," Ashton said and you grinned up at him.

"I love you," you replied simply, leaning up to kiss him. The kiss had turned from soft and sweet to passionate and your hands soon found their way into Ashton's hair, knotting themselves in the locks.

"Y/N, get up! Mum's making pan- what the fuck?" Ashton rolled off you in surprise and on to the floor, pulling your duvet off with him, leaving you bare in just your tank top and panties. Calum stood at the door and stared at the two of you in shock, looking at Ashton and then back up to you and then back down at Ashton again. You sat up in your bed before falling back down on to it again, groaning and throwing your arms across your face; you were so dead.


"Trust me, you look fine," Calum reassured you as the two of you hopped out of the car.

"I look like I'm going to rob a bank," you deadpanned. You were dressed up in a black hoodie with the hood up, dark sunglasses and some jeans. Calum was sporting the same attire. The two of you had wanted to check out the local carnival that was happening but the both of you knew that if you didn't hide your date would be ruined by paps and girls following your every step. Calum had decided there was no other way but to both dress up in what he thought were the most inconspicuous outfits ever but really you would probably draw even more attention on the two of you for looking so dodgy.

"I want to spend a paparazzi free day with my girlfriend and desperate times call for desperate measures," he said, taking your hand as you both walked into the carnival gates.

"I don't know if I'd call this a desperate time..." You trailed off but stopped talking as you got a look at the carnival. Music was playing loudly throughout the grounds and everything was so colourful. Families walked around everywhere and little kids rushed by, squealing and laughing. Couples stood by stalls, winning prizes and eating food. Rides were everywhere, the lines continuously growing by the second. Squeezing Calum's hand, you continued to walk further into the carnival, not caring anymore about the creepy getup. So what if you had to dress up like a robber for a day out with your boyfriend? At least he was here with you and you guys were going to have a great day together.

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