He's Ticklish

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He's Ticklish

Michael: "Mmmhm, [Y/N]" Michael moaned as you kissed up and down his neck. "You like that?" you whispered and nipped harder on his skin, leaving some marks for the following days. "Mhhmm." You put your hands under his shirt and moved them along his torso. "This.." you said and tugged on his shirt, "..is needless." And with that you pulled the piece of cloth over his head. But in that process you accidently touched his armpits which caused him to laugh very loud and lower his arms again. You pulled away confused and looked at him. "Ticklish" he murmured, while his cheeks turned a little redder. You just chuckled and pressed your lips back onto his, contiuning where you left off.

Luke: "So, what are we watching?" Luke asked as he flopped down on the couch beside you, before throwing a chip into his mouth. "Warm Bodies" you answered and pressed play. During the film you constantly changed your spots, until you eventually found a comfy one. Luke was lying on his back with you on top of him, chest prest to chest and his chin on top of your head. One of his hands was at the small of your back and the other one at your neck, while your hands trailed along his torso. You were drawing patterns on his waist when suddenly a soft laugh rung through your ears. "You are ticklish" you giggled and contiuned your actions. But he grabbed your hand in his and chuckled, "Yes. And that's exactly why you're going to stop now."

Calum: The two of you were lying on your bed, rolling and laughing around, when you all of sudden were pinned down, arms held above your head. "Gotcha" Calum whispered into your ear and trailed his nose down your neck, making goosebumps appear on your skin. But you didn't want him to 'win', so you used all your strenght and turned you both over as a soft 'huh' left his mouth. Straddling his waist you were now the one pinning his arms down. "Really Hood?" you chuckled and moved your hands slowly down his body, your touch as light as a feather. Your lips worked on his collarbones as a soft moan escaped his mouth. But it was soon replaced with a cute giggle when your fingertips reached the spot where his v-line ended. Your head shot up and Calum exactly knew what you were thinking, protesting "[Y/N], no!" "Oh yes" you laughed, "TICKLE FIGHT!"

Ashton: It was around 3am in the morning and you both were awake for whatever the reason, full in one of your random conversations. You were lying on your sides, facing eachother, when at some time your eyelids started to slowly fall shut. "I'm getting tired" you yawned and held your hand over your mouth. "Bedtime then" he mumbled into your shoulder and left a kiss there. He pulled you closer by your waist and tangled your legs together. But then your big toe trailed along the bottom of his feet and it sent vibrations through your body as Ashton chuckled into your neck. "No touchy on my feet" he pouted and pulled them away from yours a little. You slighty laughed, snuggling closer into him. "You're too cute, Ash."

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