
18.5K 107 6

Hey guys so idk if you want to it not but I have 5sos Instagram that just reached 10K... So if you wanna follow me that's be so awesome:) if you comment on the picture and say from wattpad ill do something special for you! My username is omgfivesause!


Luke: Everything was warm. His lips on your skin, his hands on your hips. It was dark, and the glow of a distant television screen was the only light available in the heat of the moment. A small kiss was placed on your lips before you looked up into his baby blue eyes, mimicking seas that were glassy with an eerie calm. He didn't say anything, but his facial features were full of curiosity and excitement for what was going to happen next. You studied the ceiling of his room while his lips found themselves drawn to the right side of you neck, leaving faint sensations in the absence of where they once were. It was more than you could have ever dreamed, all happening at once. It was as if he could hear your silent deliberation-his hand suddenly intertwining your fingers with his. Even if it was a twisted fate ahead of you, the moment was too precious to spoil. He shifted his weight, supporting himself with his arms as he hovered over you. Bodies were positioned so that he could get to your lips much faster than before-the cool metal of his piercing impressed on your cheek. To think this was ensued by the usual display of affection showcased an entirely new side of Luke-and you were loving every second of it.

Ashton: Your fingers met on the hem of his shirt, creating a unified effort as you peeled the thin fabric off his back. Needy kisses were placed on your lips and the skin around them-his hands cradling your face in a heated embrace. You never thought of him doing something like this, something spontaneous-a deed playing on the borderline of wild. His hands cascaded downward without any guidance, slipping from your torso to your thighs. He pushed your backside against the wall, whispering almost inaudible phrases while he kissed you harder than he had before. He softly pulled your bottom lip before brushing his mouth against yours-a spark of something unknown in his eyes. "What has gotten into you?" You spoke in the time it took you to take a breath, his face no more than an inch from yours. "Everything...and nothing." He gave a cheeky smile before pressing back to his previous position. Grabbing hold of his shoulder, you fisted the hair on the nape of his neck, losing yourself in the way you felt at that moment in time. The heat from his skin had you delirious-faded in the reality of the events occurring in a dimly lit room with an amber glow. His hands continued to drift further down, his eyes flickering back to yours for a silent gesture of approval. You placed your hand on his bare chest before looking at him directly, beckoning him closer with a knowing look. He was struck with curiosity and hints of lust, and you were more than ready to oblige.

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