Virginity (Luke)

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Warning: Smut. Do not read if you don't like sexual scenes.
Your P.O.V
The teasing started on Monday.
The boys are talking about their recent sexual exploits, nothing new. Every week the boys have a new fuck story to share so by this point I'm unfazed. Having tuned out their vulgar conversation, I zone out, absentmindedly stroking my fingers through the soft tufts of hair protruding from the head that currently is resting in my lap. The head in particular belongs to Luke Hemmings, my best friend of thirteen years.
I'm snapped out of my thoughts about what I need to grab from the grocery store by a boisterous laugh. "So Luke, care to share?" Ashton, the owner of the loud laugh, snorts.
Luke raises his head slightly, furrowing his eyebrows. I untangle my hand from his hair. "Mate you know I haven't... been w-with anyone." He's flustered, a warm red burning his cheeks. I weave my fingers back in his hair to sooth him. Every once in awhile the boys like to bring up Luke's virgin status to embarrass him.
"Still?" Calum scoffs from the floor. "Dude you're almost eighteen, it's vital to your manhood that you get some ass! Soon!" he chuckles, shaking his head.
"Ya know, we could always hire someone." Michael jokes cheekily. "I know this great girl who works at Benny's Babes, she has the biggest pair of tits you've ever seen and..."
I interrupt him with a sharp glare. He shuts his mouth, swallowing thickly. "Luke is not going to lose his virginity to some prostitute." I snap. At this point Luke's become so embarrassed that he's taken to burying his head in my stomach. I can practically feel the heat radiating off his face. "His first time should be with someone he cares about and who cares about him in return. I'm fairly sure a whore with big tits does not fall into that category." I let out a huff, locking eyes with each boy, silently telling them to drop it.
A few tense seconds tick by before I abruptly stand up, yanking Luke along with me. "I'm taking Luke for ice cream." I announce stiffly, walking with Luke towards the door.
"Can we come?" Michael looks up hopefully.
"I'm sorry, but jerks don't get ice cream." I sniff. "We'll be back in an hour or so."
On Tuesday it only got worse.
I have the right to take a shower in peace, or at least I did until the bunch of maniacs I call friends came along.
So picture this: I'm downstairs, in my own home may I add, TRYING (key word) to keep the guys from breaking, staining, or eating anything that is to not be broken, stained, or eaten. Just as I think I have everything under control a pudding cup comes flying at me, landing right smack dab in the middle of my head. My hair is now effectively coated in chocolate pudding, hence my previous statement of the peaceful shower.
Now that you're efficiently informed as to why I'm in the shower, let me explain why it's not so peaceful. LUKE IS LOCKED IN THE BATHROOM WITH ME (why? I have no clue, he has yet to explain) AND I AM STUCK STANDING IN THE SHOWER BECAUSE A.) I'M NAKED AND B.) I HAVE NO TOWELS OR CLOTHING!
"Those idiots are way better at planning ahead than I would have given them credit for. This had to be premeditated." I fume, having cut the water off so I could talk to Luke more easily. "Luke, would you care to explain why you are in the bathroom with me and why I'm towelless?" I poke my head out from behind the shower curtain, waiting for an answer.
He opens his mouth about to speak, but is interrupted before he can get a word out.
"We locked him in there so he can finally see his first pair of boobs!" Michael shouts from the other side of the door, letting out a loud laugh afterwards.
"I've seen boobs before you wanker!" Luke yells back blushing.
"Porn doesn't count my friend!" Ashton replies this time around, chuckling.
Luke sputters for a moment looking for a suitable comeback. I intervene.
"What's it going to take for you to let us out? I have a twenty that could go towards that new amp you've been saving up for, Mike. How does that sound?" I try and bargain.
"As tempting as that is babe, I'm gonna have to pass." He snickers. "No boobs, no freedom."
"Ugh, you bastards!" I say angrily, pounding my fist against the shower wall. I turn my eyes towards Luke. "We have to come up with a plan." I whisper.
"Like what?" he whispers back.
"Um," I pause to think, "Give me your shirt!" I say excitedly having thought of a plan. I shoot my arm out from behind the curtain making grabby hands at Luke's torso.
"Uh o-okay." He wrestles with his shirt for a minute before finally pulling it over his head and handing it to me.
I'm quick to slide it over my head. It falls right below my butt, barely covering the essentials. "This'll have to do." I mutter, stepping carefully out of the shower.
"So what are we gonna do?" Luke's tone is one of worry.
I smirk, not answering his question. I instead say, "Hey boys, you can let us out now. He has seen my majestic tits."
Luke's eyes nearly bug out of his head. "What are you doing?" he hisses.
I giggle, holding a finger to my lips to tell him to be quiet.
"How do we know you're not lying?" Calum asks skeptically from the other side of the door.
"Well you could always come in and see them for yourselves." I respond coyly.
The door bursts opens, three eager boys stumbling into the room. "Tits, I wanna see, and oh my God Y/N's gonna let us see her boobs!" are all yelled simultaneously.
As soon as they realize I'm in fact not naked, they scrunch their faces in confusion. "Wha-?" they all begin to chorus, but before they can even finish that one word I've grabbed Luke's hand and sprinted to my room.
I slam my bedroom door, drowning out the groans and the "shit they tricked us." I breathe deeply, a goofy smile lighting up my face. "Crisis averted." I sigh, laughing lightly.
"Yeah, crisis averted." Luke agrees, flashing a small smile. He sits on my bed, picking at the embroidered flowers that cover my duvet. "So uh, what would you have done if you hadn't thought of that plan." He glances at me from under his eyelashes, still picking at the flowers.
I turn away from my mirror to face him, brushing my hair as I do so. "Hmm," I think, "I probably would have just got it over with and let you see my boobs. Why?" I raise my eyebrows.
"R-really?" he whispers, before snapping his head up to look at me. "I mean, I'm just curious. Yeah, just curious." He exhales deeply, his cheeks turning pink.
"Mm." I hum, smirking to myself. "Hey hun, could you grab me a pair of knickers from my dresser?" I glance at him over my shoulder, working a knot out of my hair.
"Yeah, um sure." He visibly gulps. He paces over to my dresser, opening various drawers until he finds the right one. Shoving his hand into the drawer, he quickly pulls out a random pair of underwear. They just happen to be lacey baby pink ones, topped off with a small bow on either side.
He coughs into his fist, thrusting them towards me. "Here you go." He fidgets.
"Thank you." I say sweetly. I bend slightly and pull them up my legs and under Luke's shirt. "That's better. I feel less exposed." I giggle.
"Hn, yeah less exposed..." he sighs. The corner of his mouth quirks up as we lock eyes.
Pretty soon Luke's virginity may no longer be a problem.
Let's just say on Wednesday the teasing stopped.
I'm sitting on the couch waiting impatiently for the doorbell to ring. I've asked Luke to come over.
Last night I was laying in bed thinking of all the ways I could get the boys to stop bothering Luke. Right when I was about to call it a night and give up, it hit me. Have sex with Luke! I mean, not actually have sex with him, but pretend to. That's why I've called him over. I need to talk to him about it, see if he's for it, and then work out the details.
The doorbell ringing breaks me out of my thoughts. I jump up and answer the door, a wide smile plastered on my face. "Luke! I have a plan!" I yell, excited.
His eyes widen and he grins. "Whoa, calm down there babe." He rests his hands on my shoulders. "What's your plan?" he guides me to the couch.
"We should have sex." I say seriously.
His mouth gapes open. "Um, that-that's"
"I mean, not really have sex, but pretend to. Maybe tonight while we're all hanging out at Michael's, so the guys will hear us and leave you alone about being a virgin." I suggest, already planning everything out in my head. "We'll just shake the bed and make sex noises and stuff. To convince them, ya know?" I nod, satisfied.
"Ooookay. Yeah, we-we could do that I guess." He stutters, playing with his fingers.
He doesn't seem all that enthusiastic about it. Maybe he doesn't want to? "Luke, we don't have to if you don't want to." I knit my eyebrows together, placing a hand on his bouncing knee.
"No. No I want to. Yeah, let's do it." He raises his head grinning.
"Let's do it." I repeat with a smile.
We've been at Mikey's house for about forty-five minutes and the plan is about to commence.
I rub Luke's thigh and nod. Our signal. He returns my nod. "Come upstairs with me for a minute." I say loudly enough all the boys can hear. I rise from the couch, Luke's hand in mine. All the boys exchange a look as Luke and I bound up the stairs.
We head into the guest bedroom, slamming the door behind us. I let out a loud gasp as if I had been pushed against the door. Luke and I make eye contact and snicker quietly. We can hear the boys climbing the stairs to eavesdrop.
"Kiss me." I hiss under my breath.
He furrows his eyebrows. "What. Why?"
"We've kissed before it's no big deal." I whisper.
"We were like nine." He whispers back.
"It still counts. Now kiss me. We need to make suction noises." I grab his shirt front.
He rolls his eyes before bending down and placing his lips on mine.
We purposely make the kiss loud and sloppy, trying to sound really convincing. Luke pulls back from the kiss. "I have an idea, but.." he trails off.
"Go ahead. Do whatever you have to do to make this sound real." I give him permission softly.
He nods, closes his eyes, and then abruptly slaps my butt. A loud smack resonates throughout the room.
My eyes widen at first but I quickly catch on to what he's getting at. I fake a loud, exaggerated moan. Nodding my head towards him, I urge him to continue.
He exhales loudly through his nose, clearly nervous, before saying quite loudly, "you like that?"
I moan again. "Yeah baby, again." I say, my voice sultry. I work hard to hold back an obnoxious laugh.
Luke grins, clamping a hand over his mouth, before smacking my butt again.
I whimper, doubled over, still trying not to laugh. This whole situation is hilarious.
Luke and I head towards the bed, both of us falling onto it, making the head board smack against the wall. We hear a whisper from outside the door, "Jesus Christ, they're actually doing it." I giggle into Luke's shoulder.
Luke lays flat on his back, his feet hanging off the bed. I plop down on his stomach simultaneously making him grunt and the headboard hit the wall again. "Say my name!" I yell breathily, all the while bouncing up and down on his stomach, repeatedly making the bed squeak.
"God Y/N!" he screams, letting a laugh slip out, but managing to cover it up with a groan.
I slide my hand up the back of my shirt and unclip my bra. Pulling the straps down my arms, I wiggle the bra out the front of my top.
Luke creases his eyebrows and I just shake my head. Standing up on the bed, my feet planted on either side of Luke's hips I continue to bounce. I hook one strap on a ceiling fan blade before straddling him again.
I go to moan yet again, still rocking, when a guttural, all to real moan, rips through Luke's mouth. I look down and realize that I am not in fact sitting on his stomach, but right on his crotch that is now very prominently well... not soft.
Both of us stop moving as soon as we realize what's happened. I hurry to apologize but am silenced by Luke shaking his head and placing a finger on his lips. He sighs, his breath shaking, and then grabs my hips, rocking me slowly against him.
I shutter. "Luke what are you..." I begin to ask.
He cuts me off. "I want it to be you." He whispers, voice shaky.
"Luke, are you sure?" I put my hands over his to stop the rocking.
"Please." His voice is so soft I can barely hear him.
"Okay. Okay." I nod, leaning down to kiss him gently. I sit back up and peel my shirt over my head.
He lets out a whoosh of air, his eyes glued to mine. Slowly his eyes travel down my body. "Are all girls this pretty naked?" he asks, laughing lightly.
I laugh too. I tilt my head to the side thinking of what to do next. I pull Luke up so that he's sitting. Slowly I remove his shirt, tossing it behind me. Keeping eye contact I undo his belt, unzipping his pants as well.
He breathes in sharply, his eyes focused on my hands. I smile softly, reassuring him. He thrusts his hips up, allowing me to remove his pants and boxers. They join his shirt on the floor. "Can I um, can I take yours off too?" he fidgets with his lip ring.
The corners of my lips quirk up as I shake my head yes. I move his hands to the zipper on my shorts, guiding it down. Wriggling out of my shorts and underwear, I kick them off. I straddle Luke's hips again.
He just sits there for a second, unsure of what to do. He searches my eyes for the answer.
I take his hands in mine and place them on my breasts. He grins.
"This is about you Luke. Do what makes you comfortable and happy." I cup his face and place kisses along his jaw.
He looks over my shoulder. "But what if I don't make you feel good?" his eyes look everywhere but at me.
"Like I said it's about you tonight. You'll have plenty more chances to prove yourself to me." I wink.
He smiles wide, absentmindedly running his hands down my sides.
"So how do you want to do this?" I raise my eyebrows.
"What do you..." he's interrupted by a not so quiet voice outside the door. Ashton.
"Do you think they're done now?" he asks.
I narrow my eyes at the door. I moan, "Oh Luke!"
"Nope. They're not done." Ashton answers his own question.
"So what were you asking?" I turn my attention back to Luke.
"What do you mean how do I want to do this?" he asks innocently.
I giggle. "What position?"
"Oh." He blushes. "Will-will you be on top? It's just that you've done this before and I haven't so..."
"I'll be on top." I nod my consent. Just as I'm about to sink down on him his eyes go wide and he grabs my hips to stop me.
"Wait! Condom." He explains.
"No worries. I've been on birth control since I was fifteen." I counter.
He nods, visibly relaxing.
"Are you sure?" I ask one final time. He nods yes.
He holds my hips as I ease down, a growl emits from the back of his throat. "God Y/N, you're way better than my hand."
I snort, burying my face in the junction between his neck and shoulder. I place a kiss to his collarbone, slowly working my way up his neck to his face. Grinding my hips in slow circles, I place my forehead against his.
He bites his lip and squeezes his eyes shut. I know he's close, but I don't mind. Just knowing he trusted me enough to let me be his first is satisfying.
I make one more rotation with my hips before he cums with a deep groan. He lies completely still for a minute before he places his hands over his face. I climb off of him and lay so that my chin rests on his chest.
"That was so embarrassing." He peeks one eye open.
"No." I shake my head. "It was perfect." I place a kiss to his chest right over his heart.
He smiles down at me and takes my hand is his. "Thank you Y/N."
"Anytime." I bite my lip. "Now," I pat his chest, "let's get dressed and face the music."
We get dressed slowly, sneaking glances at each other every once in a while. After we've gotten our clothes semi-neat. We open the door coming face to face with three smirking and grinning idiots.
All five of us exchange glances before we all burst out laughing.
"It's about time you and Y/N got it on." Calum laughs, punching Luke in the shoulder.
"My baby's all grown up!" Ashton wails.
Luke looks down at me, a soft smile gracing his lips. He places his hand on my waist. "Yeah, yeah I am."
"Aw, aren't you two the cutest." Michael smirks.
I pull Luke in for a deep kiss. Pulling back, I mutter against his lips, "Yes, yes we are."
Mission Help Luke Lose His Virginity: Success.

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