His Smile

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Creator: Nanettedespiau

Words: 384

Site: AO3

Btw: Sooo, this one is quite short, but it's cute. Next one will be smut ;). So what's better smut with like a back story, or just smut with no back story?? Lol, anyway.

His smile... It feels like everytime I see his smile, I'm falling in love over and over again. Hoseok is having a rather tiring day in the Bangtan Room and Taehyung is missing his Hobi a bit too much.

"Hyuuuung!" a whiny voice wails.
Lithe arms wrap themselves around Hoseok's aching neck, and a certain weight drops on his shoulder making him jump slightly at the contact. He can already tell who it is, judging by the deep yet sulky voice ringing in his ears.
He grins.
"Tae-ah..." he swivels his chair back, making the arms around his neck dissapear. His once dull eyes brightened at the sight of the younger male, pouty lipped and moping. "What brings you here?"
Taehyung's frown only deepens, arms spreading to recieve a well-deserved hug. "What? Can't I come see you?" He crawls into the older's lap, legs straddling him as Hoseok circles strong arms around lissome hips. He raises his head slightly with his lips puckered and he doesn't even have to wait a second to have soft lips press against his.
He sighs into the kiss. A deep one at that. Taehyung's been waiting for his boyfriend to come back from that stupid studio for so long (14 hours, he counted) that he honestly couldn't wait any longer. He marched into the room, not caring whether the older was done or not.
They separate after a minute, only for air. Yet for Taehyung, the kiss seemed to last only a mere second.
"Are you done?" he whispers, soft eyes gazing at the brunette before him. He hopes his pouty lips and big eyes work their magic... Because he knows a bit too well that Hoseok isn't close to finishing, not at all. He tightens his arms around the older's neck and pulls himself even closer, just for good measures.
Luckily, Hoseok had always been a sucker to all things cute, especially if it came to Taehyung and he hums quietly. "Not quite... But I guess a break sounds like a good idea..." His embrace on Taehyung's hips tightens, and he brings the younger closer in order to land a soft peck on the tip of his nose.
Finally, the tell-tale grin spreads on Taehyung's face. His lips have formed a box and his pearly teeth show, an all too familiar sight for Hoseok.
It's like a virus, that boy's smile, and Hoseok can only smile back.
His smile...
It feels like every time I see his smile, I'm falling in love over and over again...

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