All I Want For Christmas ( Is To Not Be Sick)

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Creator: D boys

Words: 2916

Site: AO3

All's fine and well, perfect and going according to schedule. That is... until Hoseok hears the first mixture of a cough and sneeze at 11:00 pm on the night of Christmas Eve.


Christmas is Taehyung’s favorite holiday. He goes all out, doing everything he can to make the Christmas season the best he can. This has been clear since the beginning of their relationship.

Honestly, it’s one of his biggest charms, Hoseok thinks.

Taehyung spent so much time just getting out their decorations that he practically forgot about Hoseok, his ever so loving boyfriend that loves him no matter what even if he gets half ignored for a holiday. However, Hoseok guessed that he can forgive him since they always have the best decorated apartment; no one even attempts to best their top notch decorations.

All’s fine and well, perfect and going according to schedule. That is… until Hoseok hears the first mixture of a cough and sneeze at 11:00pm on the night of Christmas Eve.

Taehyung sneezes so hard that he bangs his head on the counter that he's currently trying to make Christmas cookies on and his cough sounds like a dying cat.

“Tae, oh my god!” He's knocked out of his pleasant state of not caring while watching his wonderful boyfriend in his element to go to him now moaning and groaning on the floor.

“I’m fine!” He quickly says with a clearly congested voice, jumping up before Hoseok can kneel down in front of him. Taehyung almost loses his balance and Hoseok has to catch him and hold him up.

He takes the chance to bring his hand to Taehyung's forehead. “Baby, you're burning up!” He presses his cheek to his forehead for a better feel. “You have a fever, I know it's not from you being near the oven.” Hoseok deadpans before Taehyung can protest with some crazy excuse that's not even probable.

Taehyung groans. “I’m not sick, though.”

“Of course you're not.” Hoseok lightly pats his stomach, starting to drag him off towards their bedroom. “How long have you felt sick?”

“I’m not—”


He sighs. “Remember Monday when we were eating dinner and I had that coughing fit and said it was from it being spicy?”

That was… so long ago… Hoseok almost punches him in the stomach. “You made me think my cooking was bad, asshole!”

Taehyung tries to smile apologetically but is interrupted by a sneeze followed by another and another until he's sneezing so hard that Hoseok starts to worry about his eyes popping out and he continues to drag him to their bedroom.

“Please, Christmas is tomorrow, I can't get sick!”

“Tell that to your immune system!”

He groans and Hoseok can't tell if it's from being sick, from what Hoseok’s saying, or both. “I did, it didn't listen!”

“Tough luck, then, you lost this one, Tae. Accept it.”

Huffing out a breath, Taehyung let's himself lean against Hoseok, a sign of defeat. Finally, Hoseok let's himself smile, Taehyung isn't going to be as difficult as he usually is when he's sick, apparently.

After a few minutes, Hoseok finally has his boyfriend lying in bed and when he pulls away he really feels how much of a fever Taehyung has, being in their 21°C house makes Hoseok feel like he's in the arctic after having been smothered by Taehyung.

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