I Smile Because I Want To ( I Am Your Boy.)

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Creator: Alphablues

Words:  2983

Site: AO3

Thank God for heatwaves. Taehyung thinks and thank God for Jung Hoseok. Alternately, there is a heatwave in Seoul and Tae and Hobi get freaky-deaky as a result.


It's hot. Like seriously hot. The kind of hot that clings to the small of your back and gathers at the hollow of your throat even after you've stumbled away from it, inside to the blissful world of air conditioning and ceiling fans. The kind of hot that drags into the nighttime and bakes entire cities alive. Seoul is experiencing the heat wave from hell and even at half past three in the morning, when the temperature should have mellowed considerably, Taehyung feels like he's boiling in his own skin. He can hear their AC unit whirring on full blast in the living room, but it's a deceptive sort of tease because the machine has been broken for days and is only moving around the same hot air that seems to be suffocating the apartment. Even still, most everyone is gathered out there, struggling to find space and a cool spot on the hardwood floor amongst so many other overheated bodies. Jimin had tried to drag him out of their room too, but the thought of enduring all of the warm breath and sticky skin from his members was almost nauseating. He stayed, instead, in his room, still stifled and far too warm, but better able to breathe with only Hoseok to share the air with. The older boy is across the room on his own bed lying face down on top of the blankets and breathing the deep, even breaths of slumber. His skin is slick with sweat and every time their little oscillating fan passes over him his damp hair ruffles slightly. He looks kind of beautiful, Taehyung thinks, all golden from the summer sun and lean from the hours upon hours he spends dancing everyday. He kind of always looks beautiful, Taehyung thinks, but the heat has made his head go a little fuzzy and he thinks tonight, of all the nights he's spent watching when he shouldn't, might be the night he finally does something amazingly stupid like stumble across the room and kiss the older boy awake.

Stupid. He tells himself. Stupid. Stupid. He tries to push the thought from his head. He tries to drag his eyes away from the other boys lips where they're set in a pretty little pout. He tries to close his eyes and ignore the heat seeping into his bones and simmering low in his belly. But before he knows it he's up and out of his bed and padding across the floor on quiet feet and reaching out a hand to press lightly on Hoseok's shoulder. And he's leaning down towards the mouth he's spent so much time deliberately not thinking about but then there's a noise. There's a little snuffling sound from the other room, Seokjin probably, and Taehyung remembers himself. He remembers himself and yanks his hand away from that pretty skin as if he's been burned and it's a stupid thing to do really because then Hoseok is blinking awake and staring at Taehyung through slitted eyes, brows furrowed in groggy confusion.

"Taehyungie?" He asks around a yawn. "What are you doing?"

Taehyung struggles to form a response that isn't you're really fucking pretty and I kind of want to kiss you really bad.

He struggles to form a response and, in true Kim Taehyung fashion, ends up simply stating the obvious. "It's hot, hyung. I'm hot."

Hoseok rolls onto his back with another yawn and rubs an eye with the heel of his hand. "I know. I'm hot too, Tae."

"I-I'm pretty sure I'm like cooking or something, hyung. It's so hot." He whines, and it sounds kind of petulant but it's all he can manage to grumble out when he notices how low Hoseok's boxers are sitting on his hips, his dark little happy trail on display for the world.

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