Please Stop Teasing

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Creator: Katsurakook

Words: 1629

Site: AO3

Taehyung asked Hoseok to stop teasing and he got his wish.

“H-Hobi, please stop teasing,” Tae whined, face sweaty and flustered. He let go of the bed frame above him, writhing around uselessly. Hoseok wouldn’t even do so much as get on top of him, just leaned over him, one arm propped above him. He traced mindless patterns and swirls on Taehyung’s sensitive neck, smiling down at him.

“But baby, you’re just so cute when you struggle,” Hoseok said, and if not for that cooing voice, it would’ve sounded sadistic. And although Hoseok loved sadomasochism, that was for another time. “And you didn’t even address me properly,” He scolded, tsking at the younger.

“I’m sorry, Daddy,” Taehyung apologized quickly, pulling his hands to his mouth nervously. “Tae Tae is sorry Daddy, he’s sorry.”

Hoseok smiled sweetly at the younger, pulling his hands away from his face. “It’s okay baby, Daddy knows you’re a good boy,” He said, pulling Tae upright and kissing him sweetly. Taehyung blushed, and leaned for more.

“Can we play now?” Taehyung begged. “I’ve been good, pleaseee,” Taehyung knew he had Hoseok wrapped around his little finger, and that the older would cave any moment. “I already prepped, Daddy, I promise.”

That made Hoseok groan. He flipped them over, letting Taehyung straddle him.

“Does this mean you were playing without Daddy's permission?” Hoseok inquired, taking a vice grip on Taehyung’s wrist, pulling the younger chest to chest.

With the way Taehyung tried stuttering a response, and the way his eyes suddenly turned shifty, Hoseok knew there was a flaw in Taehyung's seemingly perfect plan.

“You've been bad, Tae.”

Taehyung's lip quivered. He wasn't used to his daddy telling him he was bad, he was usually only a baby very much loved. “Tae is sorry daddy,” He said in a pathetic voice.

“You know what happens now, right baby?”

“Daddy has to punish me.”

“That's right, baby.” Hoseok said assuringly, brushed Taehyung's hair out of his eyes. Taehyung looked extremely pitiful, eyes only focused on where his and Hoseok’s crotches met. “Strip for Daddy.”

On those words, Taehyung leapt from Hoseok’s lap, towards the foot of the bed. Slowly but surely, he stripped himself of his sweatshirt.

“Taehyung.” Hoseok spoke up in a reprimanding tone. Taehyung's soft eyes met Hoseok's, hands frozen at his zipper. “You are in no place to be teasing right now. Unless you want Daddy to spank you.”

Taehyung's breath hitched.

“Do you actually want Daddy to spank you?”

“A-as long as Daddy is touching me.”

“Take you pants off and come here then.” Hoseok demanded, coming to sit on the edge of the bed. Taehyung slid out of his jeans and briefs, standing in front of Hoseok submissively. Hoseok shed off his grey knit sweater, leaving himself in his white undershirt. “Put this on, baby. We can't have you getting a cold,” Hoseok said softly. Taehyung blushed at the mention of his well being, and put on the much too big sweater. It stopped at the middle of his thighs, hiding the aching hard on he had. It hung off his shoulders, showing his collarbones with fading pink marks, whispers of previous activities that had unfolded several days before.

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