Off To The Races

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Creator: Jiminhyung

Words: ?

Site: AFF

Taehyung wasn't sure what continued to draw him back night after night- staring intently at the door as the bouncer demanded he move his ass and get inside or risk losing his place. Something about the pulsing heat and intoxicating music, the sweat on skin painted greens and purples and blues in a room too dark to welcome in natural lighting. Something about the way everyones bodies moved to the same beat, merging them into one energy that made the man feel like a moth to a flame. 

Taehyung wasn't sure what continued to draw him back night after night- staring intently at the door as the bouncer demanded he move his ass and get inside or risk losing his place. Something about the pulsing heat and intoxicating music, the sweat on skin painted greens and purples and blues in a room too dark to welcome in natural lighting. Something about the way everyones bodies moved to the same beat, merging them into one energy that made the man feel like a moth to a flame. 

If he had to guess, though, a lithe, brown haired dancer had to be what made him want so badly to burn himself to a crisp. 

The first time Taehyung had come in, it'd been with a few friends from his floor at the dorms- they'd insisted that for someone as drawn to excitement as he was, he sure spent a lot of time indoors, away from everything. (Taehyung insisted that his animes provided plenty of excitement, to no avail, of course). He'd been a little annoyed and a little nervous, but more than ready to be proved wrong on the secret evils that lurked within clubs and anything akin to them. 

Jimin was a regular in there, and of course had been the one to get the group together. He worked there unofficially- having turned down many an offer to make it official, only to offer a smirk and an I don't mix business with pleasure as he eyed the red-haired DJ atop the stage. 

They'd been accompanied by their friend Jungkook, who had a more than convincing fake ID and little worry over the law or consequences of getting caught. 

Apparently Jimin was also very familiar with the bartenders, as they'd both given him warm smiles upon spotting the boy stalking through the crowd towards them. One was at least four years older- Seokjin, Taehyung remembered- and looked more like he belonged on the cover of a magazine or in movies than behind a bar. His friend- Hongbin- on the other hand, looked like he belonged amongst paintings of gods or bronzed in statues because holy fuck was he gorgeous. 

They'd introduced themselves easily to Taehyung and Jungkook, though Seokjin had almost immediately made a snide remark about how he wouldn't be surprised if he spotted a number of fake ID's amongst the real ones. Jungkook hadn't even flinched, but Hongbin had flashed a dimpled smile that Taehyung was positive made angels want to give up their halos. 

(He really had to stop staring.)

Jimin had tugged them away pretty quickly though, insisting that they needed to get a feel for the dance floor before they got a feel for alcohol pulsing through their systems- Taehyung didn't know if he agreed, given that Jungkook and Jimin were both dancers, but tagged along regardless. Not that he had a choice. 

Minutes into being pulled into what he could only describe as a haze, a hand was sliding delicately along his arm, luring him into turning around. A heart-shaped smile and eyes that looked like they'd be warm if they didn't look like pure sex were the first thing to grace Taehyung's vision. Taehyung returned the smile with a breathy chuckle and smirk- one that slowly grew as the (presumably) older boy began to dance with him. 

To say that Taehyung wasn't intimidated would've been the filthiest lie he'd ever told. The man rolled his body like it was made to move that way- and it probably was- fluid movements mixing easily with sharp ones that made the younger man's head spin with lust and admiration. 

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