8~Poison Apple

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Shea's POV

I couldn't wipe the smile off my face, ever since I hung out with Louis yesterday, I stuck in my good mood. My heart races for Louis whenever I think of him. I have a major crush on him now, you can say that.

I stood by the well in the garden, where Louis and I had met. Such memories. I know I know, it was only a few days ago, but it seems like years. Wow, that sounds really cliche. No regrets.

I decided to text Louis, since I did get his number.


Hey wanna meet up by the well? :P

I instantly get a reply.


Sure, be there is ten minutes:)

I smiled to myself, and got all giddy inside. I wonder what we will talk about? I wonder what we will do? I wonder-

My own thoughts are interrupted as I heard multiple groans and footsteps coming from nearby. I went to investigate, and saw an old woman walking out from the woods. She was wearing a black robe, had grey hair, and wrinkly skin that looked fake. Her back was bent as she walked.

I walked over to her. "Ma'am, are you okay?"

Well that was a dumb question. It doesn't look like she's okay.

"My b-back just really hurts," she croaked. "Would you mind massaging it for me?"

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Bambi, the deer I named when I was running in the woods, and I could've sworn he was growling at the old woman. Weird.

"Sure," I tell her.

I proceed to rub her back softly, but rough enough to make her feel better. After a couple of seconds, she stood up, her back straight. She smiled at me.

"Thanks dear," she praised, "as a reward, please take an apple from my basket."

She held out a basket full of tasty apples. I love them! They're my favorite fruit! Maybe these heavy bags are what made her back go out. Oh well, these apples look really good.

I gladly took a shiny red one that was on top. "Thank you, ma'am."

She grinned. "Go on, eat it, hun."

I took a bite out of the apple as she watched me, looking happy as ever. Which is quite strange, how can you get joy out of watching someone eat an apple?

Suddenly I feel light headed, but I don't know why. I took a look at the apple, and saw that it was purple on the inside. Poison. It is a poison apple. This woman poisoned me. I took a look at her, but she wasn't the old woman anymore. She was Pricilla, and she was smiling evilly at me. This is what she wanted. She wanted to kill me.

I fell to the ground, the apple rolling out of my hand. I blacked out.

Louis's POV

I was happy that I was going to see Snow, but now I can't go because the management wants me in the studio! Now I'm pissed. I walked into the living room of the cabin angrily.

"What's the matter, Lou?" Harry asked me.

I sighed. "Well...I was going to go meet up with Snow, but now management wants me in the studio!"

"Did you tell her?" Niall asks curiously.

"Oh shit!" I cussed, "I forgot to tell her! What do I do?"

"Why don't Liam, Harry, Niall and I go down and tell her? Okay?" Zayn suggests.

"Would you?" I nodded.

"No problem, we'll do it," Liam assures me.

"Thanks!" I said, and ran out the door.

Liam's POV

We got to where Louis told us to go to meet up with Snow, but we didn't see her. Suddenly I hear Niall shout, "Oh my God!"

We looked and gasped at the sight. It was a woman standing above Snow, who was laying on the ground, on conscious. The woman was laughing evilly, until she saw the four of us. She began to run.

"Hey!" Niall and Zayn went to go chase her while Harry and I ran to Snow.

"Call an ambulance!" I ordered Harry. He nodded and took out his phone.

I took Snow into my arms, and sprayed some water from the well on her face. "C'mon Snow, stay with me..."

She still had a pulse, but her breathing was ragged. I suddenly saw something out of the corner of my eye. I picked it up and examined it.

It was an apple. The outside was bright red, but the inside was purple. I gasped as I noticed what has happened. That woman had poisoned Snow, but why?

"The ambulance will be here in a few minutes," Harry informs me.

I nodded. "Can you call Louis? He deserves to know..."

Louis's POV

I was finally done recording, and was packing to go back to the cabin. Maybe I'll get to see Snow later on, and then I can ask her out. I can-

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of my phone ringing. It was Harry, so I answered. "Hello?"

"Louis, something bad happened," his voice was panicked and serious, "it's Snow."

"W-What's wrong?" I asked, scared. I hope she isn't hurt, but something tells me that she is.

"She's been poisoned Lou, by an apple," he says, "we found the woman who did it though."

My whole world dropped. I felt like I could faint. Tears poured out from my eyes. "Who's the woman?"

"It's her stepmother, Pricilla," he says it with so much disgust, "anyway, just meet us at the hospital, okay?"

"O-Okay," I managed to say.

He hung up, and I dropped to my knees. I started to cry, hard. My world, the one I'm crushing on, has been poisoned by her evil stepmother. And I wasn't there to save her.

I got up, and left the studio. I have to go see Snow at the hospital.

Hi there! Today I had off from school since it was snowing so much!⛄️Keep reading, vote, and fan! Thank you! xx

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