14-Be My Baby

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Shea's POV

I brought Eleanor back to the palace. Louis went back to the cabin, but told me that we would hang out tomorrow. I got an excited feeling, seeing as I get to spend more time with the love of my life. I'm positive he is.

"Hello dear," Wanda greets me, then looks at El, "who's your friend?"

"This is Eleanor," I introduced, "um, can she stay here with us? She has nowhere to go."

"Of course," my stepmom replies.

"Thank you, ma'am," Eleanor says shyly.

"Oh, you can call me Wanda!" she gives El a hug, and walks off.

"I'll show you my room," I tell her, and she nods.

I take her to the guess room that's next to mine. Her walls are painted a lilac color, with a sky blue comforter and curtains. Her room is as big as mine, so she should be at comfort.

"I'll let you get settled," I say quietly.

Before I could leave, she pulls me into a hug. Her head nuzzles into my neck. "Thank you so much, Snow, I love you. You're the greatest person ever."

I smiled. "No problem."

After we pulled apart, I left the room. I bumped into Wanda along the way. "Hey, your father wants to speak to you."

I raised my eyebrow. "Am I in trouble?"

She shook her head profusely. "No, no, no. He just wants to tell you something."

I nodded and walked to my dad's study, where he was sitting at my desk. He smiled warmly at my presence. "Hello, Shea. How was your date with Louis?"

I blushed. "It was amazing."

He nods. "And I'm aware your friend will be staying here?"

"Yes," I bite my lip, "so you want to talk to me about something?"

"Oh yes," he spoke, "as you know, Wanda and I are married. She also has a son, your stepbrother, who is your age. His name is Craig."

Stepbrother? All my life I have been an only child, living miserably with Pricilla. And now I'm meeting my stepbrother tomorrow? Who is apparently my age? Oh, he better be nice.

"Oh, um, okay," I say casually. I don't know how to feel about it I guess, my attitude is still normal.


"So your meeting your stepbrother later?" Louis curiously questions.

"Yup," I shrugged, "it feels weird. I'm used to being an only child."

"Get used to it. I have four sisters, but I love them all," he chuckles, "I wish I had a brother."

"I don't even know if he's nice," I mutter, "so where are you taking me on our second date?"

I don't even know why I bother asking, it's always the same answer. He smirked. "You'll see."

He squeezes my hand, and comfort brushes through me. Louis has such an effect on me. He gives me a feeling like no other, and it makes me weak in the knees. So I guess you can say, he turns me on.

"Okay, we're here!" he suddenly shouts.

I look around and a huge smile forms at my face. We're at my favorite place in the world, a ski resort. A reason why I love it; snow. All snow, so much snow. And by my nickname, snow is like my second favorite thing in the world. My first is Louis William Tomlinson.

"Oh my gosh, I love it!" I squeal, jumping up and down in excitement.

"That's why I took you here," Louis wrapped his arms around my waist, "and I have a surprise for you later."

"There's more?!" I blurted out, "but you're all I need!"

Okay, so I made have overdone it with the last part. I sounded like a creep. I started to blush a deep scarlet, as Louis had the hugest smile ever.

"Really?" he said, a glint in his eyes.

"Yes," I was still blushing.

"Good. Because I need you," he intertwined our hands, "let's go get our gear and ski!"


After a day of fun skiing, sledding, and hot chocolate, Louis suggested that we go on the ski lift. We both trudged in the snow until we reached it. I always got nervous when I got on these, because if you were to just slip and fall out, you would fall about two thousand feet and plunge into the snow, thus dying. Oh my, I think I made it worse for me. At least I have Louis.

Louis had his arm squeezed tightly around me as we lifted up into the air. At the tippy top, of course, the lift stopped, leaving us hanging in mid air. The ground below us was a very long drop. Oh boy.

"Snow, I want you to look down," Louis whispered in my ear.

I raised my eyebrow, but did as told. I looked down, not knowing what he specifically wanted me to see. I looked around, but all I saw was snow. Beautiful white, neat snow.

But then I saw it. I always had a good eyesight, and I saw big lettering written in the snow. I squinted my eyes to see it clearly, and read it out loud, "Snow White, will you be my girlfriend?"

I gasped, tears filling up my eyes. Holy shit, this was so smooth. I turned to Louis, who had a nervous smile on his face. "Well? Will you be my baby?"

Tears started rolling down my cheeks. "YES! I'll be your girlfriend, Lou!"

I leaned in and pressed my lips onto his. I know this isn't a marriage proposal, but it's a step closer to it. I was just so damn happy, the love of my life is my boyfriend! Louis William Tomlinson is mine!

"I love you," he says into my ear once we pull apart.

"I love you too," I smile, "and I'll be your baby. Forever and ever."

And that's a promise.


"OH MY GOD! HE FINALLY ASKED TO BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND!" Eleanor shouted with excitement.

We were sitting on my bed, discussing the events of Louis and I's date. I was at the part where he asked me to be his. I know what you're thinking, isn't it awkward to be telling about your date with the ex girlfriend? Well no, it isn't in this case. Eleanor is cool, she doesn't like Louis anymore. But I really need to set her up with a guy.

"Yeah," I started blushing, "it was really cute! He had the question written in the snow and everything!"

"That's too cute," she gushed, "you said yes right?"

"Of course," I nodded.

"He finally took my advice," she spoke, "it's about damn time."

"What do you mean?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"When I called Louis in to talk to him privately, I told him that he should ask you to be his girlfriend," she explained.

I smiled. "Thank you, Miss Matchmaker."

We are completely comfortable with each other. It seems like we have become best friends, which is good, considering that I don't really have any since I moved here. I mean I do, but they're in Minnesota.

"No problem," she shrugs, "so you wanna start our sleepover?"

"Yup!" I nodded.

We cuddled together on the bed, and started to watch a movie. Even though my eyes were focused on the screen, my mind was focused on Louis. He's actually my boyfriend, I'm actually not single anymore!

I hope me and him last together forever. Perhaps he's my Prince Charming. Get it? I'm a princess, and he's saved me countless times...okay.

Sorry it's short. Ugh, I really need to start writing longer chapters. Happy Valentine's Day! Another year of me being forever alone! Haha! Keep reading, vote, and fan! Thank you! xx

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