11~Maybe a Date?

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I was driven home by my dad and Wanda tagging along, away from that hospital I was put in because of my bitch of a step mother, Priscilla. I hope she rots in jail, I'm going to make sure of that on the court date that is set up for next week.

I hadn't realize that I was in my own fantasy land, until Louis nudged me. "Hey, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine,"I assure him, "just shocked about my happened."

He frowns. "Which part?"

I shrugged. "Honestly, all of it."

"I'm sorry," he says for the millionth time today.

I don't say anything, instead I pinch his arm tightly, causing him to wince and to yelp in pain. "Ouch! What was that for?!"

"Stop blaming yourself, will you?!" I exclaim while laughing, "it's not your fault."

"Why does it feel like it, though?" He huffs and looks out the window.

"I need something to shut you up," I mumble but he heard me.

"I may know a way," he whispers and smirk, "you can kiss me."

I roll my eyes. "You're not getting these lips until you stop apologizing."

"Dammit," he mutters under his breath.

I giggle at his cheekiness and stubbornness, and we play footsies during the ride back to the palace.


I cannot believe my father is actually allowing Louis, who is a boy, to sleep over, in my room, and in my bed. Don't get me wrong, I want this, and I know Louis won't try anything, but I'm surprised my dad is encouraging this. Well...he does adore Louis now, along with Wanda, ever since dinner. Louis sure is an adult charmer.

"Sleepover!" Louis shouts after I closed the door, "we're going to watch movies, eat snacks, gossip about everything, and-"

"I want to sleep," I groan, "and is that what you really think girls do at sleepovers?"

"Yes, I'm pretty much an expert," he says proudly, "I do have four sisters."

"Well at my sleepovers, we sleep," I jump on my bed.

"No!" Louis protested, "where's the fun in that?"

"But it's late, Louis!" I moan.

"This can be like a date..." he suggests, making me sit up quickly.

"A date?" the corners of my mouth tug into a smile.

"Yup," he smirks.

"I'm in!" I accept, "what movie do you want to watch?"

"A comedy..." he taps his chin, "how about the Titanic?"

I gasp. "Louis! That's a sad movie, you monster!"

He laughs. "I'm just kidding. Let's watch Cinderella!"

"Alright," I agree.

He fetches the movie and puts it in the disk while I grab some blankets. I put on some pj's (Louis wasn't looking, or at least I hope not) and sit down beside Louis and snuggle up with him.

"I don't get it," he says after a while.

"Get what?" I raised my eyebrow.

"The prince immediately falls in love with Cinderella, they have one dance without talking, doesn't even know her name, loses her, and has to try on a shoe with every girl in the village," he says bluntly.

I roll my eyes. "You can't think like that. It was love at first sight. He noticed her out of all the girls at the ball, they shared a dance while looking into each other's eyes lovingly, the clock strikes twelve so she has to leave, he finds her shoe, so he tries to look for her. I think it's cute."

"Don't you think that if he loved her, he would have remembered her face?" he pointed out.

I shrug. "Now I don't have the answer to that, Lou."

He looks into my eyes. "Have you ever been in love?"

I look down, and sigh. "Yes. But he broke my heart."

"Can you tell me about it?" A gleam passes through his eyes.

I nod. "There was this boy. I had a crush on him when I saw him, and he sort of liked me back. We started dating, and soon I was in love with him. Then he started getting aggressive. He would hit me, physically, and hurt me emotionally. I stayed with him because I thought I could help, but I was a fool. He then dumped me for this other girl, and that was the end of that."

Louis shakes his head in anger. "That idiot!"

I blush a bit. "Have you ever been in love?"

He nods. "Yes. I guess I should tell you my story?"

"It's only fair."

He sighs. "There was this girl I loved, she was a model. We started dating, and I fell in love. I took her to Doncaster to meet my family. I even introduced to my friend, and then went to the grocery store. When I came back, I found her making out with said friend. She broke my heart, and went together with my friend."

"What was her name?" I ask curiously.

"Eleanor," he mutters, "what about the guy?"

I gasp lightly. "Stan."

His eyes go wide. "Uh, my friend's name was Stan..."

"And the girl he cheated on me with's name was Eleanor..." my voice trailed off.

"You don't think..." Louis starts to laugh.

"Maybe a coincidence?" I suggest.

"Yeah..." his eyes met with mine, "Snow, I need to tell you something."

"What is it?" I ask.

"I think I should take you on a date," he says quickly, but I heard.

"I thought this is a date?" I became confused.

"It is, but I want to take you on a proper date," he explained.

"Ah," I nod my head, "Lou, I need to tell you something."

"What is it?" He mocks my tone of voice.

I roll my eyes and chuckled. "I would love to go on a proper date with you."

"Yay!" he cheers excitedly.

"Just so you know, I think that Eleanor girl is an idiot," I inform him, "she loss the best thing she could've had."

He shakes his head. "The best thing Stan could've had is right here, standing in front of me."

I giggle. "We are so cliche!"

"Yeah, but we're a good kind of cliche," he replied cheekily.

"That made no sense,"

He shrugs and runs over to me, suddenly picking me up. I squeal as he drops me on the bed, climbing on top of me.

"I want to do something," Louis says.

"Oh? And what is that?" I question.

"I want to kiss you," he smiled.

He leans down and plants a kiss right on my lips, and it lingers there for about five seconds, then he pulls apart. I playfully glare at him. "You're such a tease."

He rolls his eyes. "Sweet dreams, my little princess."

"Goodnight, my little prince," I reply.

He kissed my forehead and turned off the lights. He wrapped his arm around my waist tightly as I snuggled deeper into my blankets.

I'm sorry it was short, and I know this chapter was shit. But wasn't Midnight Memories awesome?!?! Gah, I love it! And Harry is officially 20, no!😭 Keep reading, vote, and fan! xx

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