Alexia Marie Black

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Name : Alexia Marie Black

Age : 17 (recently)

DOB : Nov. 17.

Likes : Wolves (is one), they pack in La Push, the Rez, rainbows (for the colors), and music.

Dislikes : Vampires, jazz, the blues, cats, haters, bullies, cheaters, and liars.

Hobbies : music, cooking, searching. For family, and writing.

Talents: cooking, and singing.

Family : Billy Black (father, alive),  Linda Black (mom, dead), Rebecca Black (sister), Rachel Black (sister), and Jacob Black (brother).

*** a quick word from character ***

Hey guys, it's Alexia. I have been searching for my family for a while. I ran away when my mother passed away. I hear they moved to La Push, on the Rez. I guess I'll find out soon. I'm going me to find my dad, two sisters, and brother again. I'm coming home.

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