Chapter 16

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- a few weeks later ---

I wake up to yelling and I hear Jacobs booming voice. What's Jacob doing here? I hurriedly get dressed nicely and I rush down to the second floor. There is Jacob, yelling and in Edwards face. Bella is barely standing.

"Idiots." I mumble before making way to Bella. "Let's get you sat down, Bella.l I whisper.

Jacobs face snaps towards me and I growl in a protective manner when he glares at Bella's stomach. Jacob gasps at my protective manner. He backs down immediately and he storms out. I hear him yell and kick his motorcycle he just put together. I watch out the window as he phases and he takes off into the trees.

"I'll protect you, Bella." I say. "I promise."

The Cullen coven all thank me as I glare out the window. Rosalie likes my outfit choice today; I happen to agree with her. I look hot.

"I'm gonna go check on my dad." I say.

"Be careful; we are the enemy now." Emmett says. "You're with us; Sam ad he pack could hurt you."

"My dad is an elder; they won't hurt me because I'm Billy's youngest daughter."

I walk out of the hose and I climb into my truck. Emmett hops in; he is gonna stay hidden in the truck. He is riding for my protection. I pull out of the drive and I make  at to La Push.

"Daddy!" I yell through the house.

He strolls in with a straight face. "Alexia, you're the enemy now." He says. "I can't stop Sam, you know that."

"Yeah, and in the strongest wolf beside Samuel, I can take him on when it comes down to it. I'm protecting Bella if my log depends on it. I can't have kids; did you know that? Wen I ran away, a mean man raped me and took away my ability to have babies! I'm going to protect this baby with my life, dad!"

He stares at me in disbelief. "I didn't know yo couldn't have babies."

A tear escapes my eye as I leave the house. Sam is stepping on to the ramp.

"Alexia." He smirks.

"I'll take you on when the time comes." I whisper. "Dad says in strongest wolf, beside you. You're mine."

He stares at me in shock as I get in my truck.  A hidden Emmett puts his hand on my knee reassuringly as I turn my truck on. Sam is still watching me as I pull out it the drive.

"I didn't know you couldn't have babies." Emmett says as we enter Forks and he sits up.

"Yeah; the ability as taken when I was raped in Ontario." I say. "Why do you think I'm protecting Bella's baby with my life? I can't have babies."

I walk in the house. "Sam's mine when they come."

They all nod at me with smirks. They know I'm strong, that's why they needed me here and that's why I stuck around. That, and I have always wanted a child.

I sit next to Bella as she tries drinking out of a cup, Blood. Jacob scoots over with a disgusted scowl on his face.

"Her pulse is going up." I say wth a toothy smile.

Bella smiles at me and I tell her I'm going to bed. I kiss her cheek before I climb the stairs. Jacob follows me and he apologizes for dad's words. I shrug it off and I ban him from my room. I change into some pajamas before climbing into my bed.

I stare at the ceiling for the longest time, unable to sleep do to Bella's slow heartbeat and the babies fast one. I eventually face the window and I dose off.

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