Chapter 2

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Dad shakes me awake the next morning. I smile when I see him without his dual cowboy hat.

"I made some eggs and sausage for you, get it before Jacob gets them." He whispers.

I giggle before getting off the couch. I pop my back before going to the kitchen. I grab my eggs and sausage right before Jacob comes in, following the smell. He kisses my head and grabs some breakfast.

"I am still getting used to you being home." Jacob mumbles. "It's a dream come true for us all."

"I'm glad you're home, Alexia." Dad says. "I want you go to a bonfire tomorrow night, I'm telling more stories. And now that you phased, you won't be so confused."

I nod my head. "Sounds fun. When are we heading to Forks?" I ask as I walk to my room.

"When you're ready!" Jacob calls behind me.

I put on my tights, a gray tank top, a gray cardigan. , I like cardigans, and some sneakers. I brush my hair before the leather bracelet I made on Ontario. I meet my brother and dad at the car.

"Whatever happened to your truck?" I ask dad. "I was wanting it."

"You left so suddenly, I sold it to Charlie for Bella." Dad replies.

"It's okay; I'll find a vehicle." I sigh.

We drive out to a quiet neighborhood and pull into a driveway behind a police cruiser. Is Charlie a cop? I get out ad I push dad up to a man wth a mustache.

"Charlie, remember the daughter I said ran away when Linda died?" Dad asks.

Charlie, I believe, nods. "Yes, Billy, I remember."

"This is her." He points at me. "This is my Alexia. She came home."

Charlie smiles at me. "Hi, I'm Charlie. BELLA!"

A girl with pale skin and brown hair approaches is.

"Bella, this is Jacobs sister, Alexia." Charlie says. "She ran when their mom died, she came home."

"I'm Isabella, but I prefer to go by Bella."

"I like my name." I shrug. "Nice to meet you, Bella."

Bella offers to show me around the town, I accept her offer. We get in the rusty red truck that used to belong to my dad. She starts it up and pulls onto the road.

"Where'd you run away too?" Bella asks. "I've always wanted to; from Arizona, that is."

"Ontario, Canada." I reply.

She smiles. "Is it nice? French?"

"Quebec is French." I smirk. "But it is nice."

After the tour of the small town, she pulls up to the local diner.

"My father and I eat here daily." Bella tells me as we take a seat.

"You're new, what can I get ya sugar?" A nice, dark-skinned woman asks. "I have your special, Bella. A veggie burger."

"A turkey club sandwich and some fries please." I say. "Can I get a Diet Coke to drink?"

"Yes, honey." She smiles before walking away.

Bella and I chat and get to know each other. She is dating a vampire, Edward Cullen. I haven't met the Cullen coven, but I am sure I will if I spend enough time with Bella.

We make it to her house at noon. Dad says we need to head home if we want to beat Rachel and Rebecca. I hug Bella and I wave to Charlie before climbing in the driver's seat. I got my license in Canada. I need to get my Washington license before getting an actual car.

We pull in right behind the taxi holding my sisters. Rebecca and Rachel see me then the tackle me into a hug. I giggle at the two and they barely even let me go.

"Oh wow, you cut your hair?" Rebecca asks.

"I like it." Rachel says. "I see you still like your cardigans."

I nod my head. "I love cardigans; instead for in summer."

She nods. "I remember."

Rebecca, Rachel, and I go into the living room while Jacob cooks dinner. Dad hasn't taken his eyes off of me yet. Jacob hands us our plates before he goes to clear out a room for me. It's a three bedroom house. I am getting Rachel and Rebecca's old room as my own.

"Go get some sleep; we will gone by morning." Rachel says. "It was real good seeing you."

I hug then both and I go to my new room. I lock the door and I change into some comfy pajamas. I sigh in satisfaction at the comfort of a bed. I hear dad and another make. Sam Uley, I recognize his voice.

"My Alexia is back, Sam." Dad sighs happily.

"Good, I can go over patrol with her at the bonfire."

Yay, my first patrol in the Rez is coming soon enough. I roll over and I face the wall. I close my eyes and I let sleep take over slowly.

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