Chapter 13

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Paul is laying on Jared when we wake up. Kim and I giggle before she helps me get ready. Paul wakes up right as I pull the dress over my boobs. Jared groans because he missed it. Kim and Paul both hit him.

"Abusive." He grumbles. "I was only joking."

"I wanna drive your truck." Paul says.

"Alright." I say as I put my earrings in.

He goes to Jacobs room to get ready. Kim smiles at me as I slide the cardigan and shoes on. She brushes my hat simply before it is time to go.

Paul gets in behind the wheel and he grabs my hand and helps me up into the truck. I fasten my seatbelt before he starts the vehicle up.

"The engine sounds amazing!" Paul exclaims. "Alright, we best go."

He pulls out of he drive and heads out of town. He keeps smiling at my truck the entire ride. I smirk at his excitement.

"Told you, my truck beats yours." I smirk.

He kisses my hand before we get to a beautiful Mexican restaurant. We climb out of the truck and he holds me hand as we enter the place. A pretty Hispanic woman seats us at a candlelit table and hands is menus.

Paul has be stand before he gets down on one knee. I smile and my eyes begin to water. He opens up a box and there is a diamond ring.

"Alexia Black, will you marry me?" He asks, staring up at me.

I nod. "Yes, a thousand times yes!"

He slides the on my infer before I jump in his arms. He hugs me as the thee people in the restaurant cheer. We sit back down and the waitress comes back.

"I'll take a beef enchilada and a Coke." Paul says.

"I'll take a shredded chicken enchilada and a cherry Sprite." I smile.

She nods and she walks away she brings us our drinks and goes to receive our food. Once she returns, I give her a small tip before she walks away. We eat in peace. I can't stop looking at the ring; it is beautiful.

After the date, Paul drives to my house. He gets in his truck and drives to tell his mom. Kim stops me when I enter the house when she sees the ring. Jared gasps when he sees in and dad just grins from ear to ear.

"I said yes!!!" I hold up my hand.

Kim shrieks and she tackle me into a hug. "He finally settles down with a perfect girl."

"I'm going to have Alice Cullen plan my wedding; she is a wedding planner." I say.

"Go over there tomorrow." Dad says.

I nod and I go to my room; still full from the Mexican food. I get cleaned up and changed into some pajamas. I yawn before climbing into my bed. I am asleep within minutes.

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