Chapter 14

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I get dressed when I wake up at 7;30 the next morning. I am driving out to Forks to ask Alice to plan Paul and my wedding. I brush my hair quickly before skipping outside. Jacob said he'd make him and dad breakfast.

I climb into my large truck and I start it up. I out out of the drive and I take off down the road. I pull up to the Cullen mansion and I take a deep breath. I hop out and Emmett has wide eyes.

"A little girl driving a big truck?" He smirks. "Sweet."

"I'm here to see if Alice will plan my wedding."

"Yes!" Alice chirps as she flashes up to me. "Of course!"

I smile. "Thank you."

She drags me inside and the family all greet me. She seats me at the counter in the second floor kitchen. She pulls out tons of wedding planning books. Rosalie gives me an apologetic smile before she sits next to Alice.

"This may take a while." Alice smiles.

"I gotta go home at at least 5, so I can cook dinner for dad." I say.

She nods. "Just come back tomorrow, same time range."

I nod my head. "Sounds like a plan."

She opens one book and we get to work.

After hours of planning, it's time for me to go home. Emmett walks out with me and he gasps at the largeness of my truck. I climb up in it and roll the window down. He smirks.

"I want to drive it. But I can't go to La Push." He grumbles.

"Maybe you can take me to the Forks diner for breakfast when I arrive in the morning."

He nods his head. I pull away from their house and I drive towards La Push. I hop out at home and I skip inside. Paul is here with Jared. I wave at Jared before going to the kitchen. I cook some hamburgers and salads for dinner tonight; I feel like keeping it simple.

I still get compliments on my cooking. Jared has been over every night to eat my cooking. I don't blame him; I can cook pretty good.

Jared washing the dishes. I gasp at him in shock before going to my room. I smell like vampire but it's okay; I'll be with them again tomorrow.  I change into some pajamas and I climb into my bed. I yawn before closing my eyes. I slowly let sleep take over. 

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