Chapter 15

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Once fully ready, I walk out the door and I climb into my truck. I start up the perfect sounding truck and I drive to Forks.

Emmett demands me to get in the passengers seat. Esme is cooking me fine breakfast; he just wants to drive around. He wants me in the truck because it's my truck. He is so thoughtful, for a buff vampire.

He asks to go off road. I say no beside it wasn't built for that. He pouts the entire way back to Forks. He drove all the way to Port Angeles an Seattle. This is going to be a long ride.

After what seems like hours, we arrive back. Alice scolds Emmett before dragging me inside. Emmett flashes behind us and hands me my keys. Esme hands me a plate of eggs and bacon. I thank her and I sit with Alice at the counter.

Alice goes into a vision and she gasps before asking to borrow my phone. I hand it too her and the family gathers around her nervously.

"Should I go?" I ask

"You can stay, Alexia." Carlisle speaks soothingly. "Just give us a minute."

I nod and I bring the books to the first floor. I can't help but here the horrifying news. 

"Bella, what's wrong?" Alice asks in worry.

"Alice, it is normal for vampires to go into shock?" Bella asks. What?!

"Bella?" Carlisle has grabbed the phase.

"Carlisle, I think I might be pregnant."

I gasp. What? That's impossible!!!

"I swear Carlisle, something just moved inside me!"

I close my eyes as he tells Edward for them to come home early. I guess I'm putting my wedding on hold to help. I actually like Bella and I won't let the pack harm her or the baby.

I write a note to the pack and a note to the Cullen's of what I want. I hand the Cullen note to Carlisle before driving to La Push. I hand dad my note and I drive to Sam's. I told them I'm gonna stay in Forks for a while, no reasoning behind it.

I go home and dad has dad eyes. Jacob is gone on patrol.

"I'm sorry dad." I whisper.

"The Cullen's might need you, you're the strongest wolf, beside Sam."  Dad says. "Just.... be careful."

"I will daddy, I need to pack."

My phone rings when I enter my room. It's the Cullen's.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Go ahead and pack, Esme made you a room; Edward and Bella are on their way." Carlisle says calmly.

"Alright, I'll be there soon enough." I speak softly before hanging up.

Paul barges in angry. He glare at me as I ignore him. I begin to pack and he just stares at me in disbelief. I shrug my shoulders when I finish packing what I need and I carry my bags to my truck.

I climb in as Paul stares at me beside my dad from the porch. I wave and then before blowing a kiss. I fasten my seatbelt and roll my window up. I drive the way to the Cullen's in Forks.

I pull up at the same time as Edward.  Edward helps me with my bags as Bella walks inside. We brings my stuff to my new room while I stop by the kitchen.

"I'll cook." I tell Esme. "Go hunt if you need to."

Esme hugs me before flashing out of the house. I cook myself some garlic chicken and noodles.

"Smells good." Bella smirks.

"Thanks." I smile.

I touch her stomach and the baby moves. I giggle ad jerk my hand back. Bella laughs at me before I start to eat what I cooked. Edward flashes in the room and he watches me talk to Bella's belly while I eat. He has a glare on his face.

"You are on her side?" He asks.

I nod. "Of course; it deals with a child. I love children and I wish they all could live."

Edward calms and he walks away. Bella and I finish talking until I get tired. Esme came back and she is now doing dishes. I go up to the room she put together. There is a doggy bed. A tear slips; do they really see that much of me?

I tore my bags down and I let out a low growl. I see a small couch on the end of the room. I guess I'll sleep on the couch. I'm not a damn dog. I see Esme walk in and I growl.

"You really think low of me, don't ya?" I growl, pointing at the dog bed. "Well, fuck that. this couch is pretty comfy."

Esme sighs. She walks out and shuts the door behind her. I change into some pajamas and I lay across the couch. This actually a fairly comfortable couch. Emmett walks in and he scoffs at the doggy bed.

"I'll put you a bed in tomorrow, Alexia. Since you did bail on the pack to help us." He mumbles.

"Thanks, Emmy." I smirk.

He groans, earning a laugh from me and Rosalie. They leave and shut my door. I face the back of the couch and I fall asleep.

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