Chapter 18

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I get dressed the next morning before Renesme starts to squirm. I pick up the fussy baby and firstly, I change her diaper. I carry her downstairs and I see Paul here with Jacob. He smiles at me with a baby.

"Carlisle, does she drink milk?" I ask.

He shakes his no and hands me a bottle of animal blood. I smile as Renesme slurps away at the bottle. Jacob smiles at us. I lay her over my shoulder to burp her when she finishes her bottle of animal blood. Esme cleans it out and she gives us a loving look.

"I wish I could have a child." I mumble.

"There is a fertility clinic in Seattle; you should go check it out when Bella wakes up." Carlisle says. "They have women who carry a baby for you. They will take Paul's sperm and inject in her, like a down bank. And you guys can have a baby."

I look up at Paul and we both agree. I sit on the couch with her and Paul sits beside me.

"I can't wait to see Bella's reaction to Jacobs imprinted on Renesme and him calling her Nessie  ." I smirk.

Edward smirks in agreement as Paul leaves for La Push. The treaty is pretty much gone now that they changed a human, Bella Cullen. I smile at the thought as I beam over the little baby. Nobody tries taking her from me, not even Edward.

"She is beautiful; she resembles Bella a lot." I say.

"She does, doesn't she?" Jasper agrees with me as he sits next to us.

I bathe her before feeding her again. Edward hasn't taken his eyes off me. I think it's cute that he is protective of his daughter; that's how he should be.

I go to to my room with Renesme and we lay on my bed for the night. I easily fall asleep wth her.

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