Chapter 7

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Rebecca wakes me the next morning.

"Hey ready, Alexia." She whispers. "We gotta be in settle by noon."

I look at the clock and see its 6am. I rub my eyes before I climb out of bed. Rebecca has left the room so I can get ready. I put on some black shorts and a sweater that says 'Girls Fight Back' and some converse high tops (black).

I brush my hair and I walk into the living room. Jacob and Rebecca are sitting on the couch waiting for me. I smile at them both and I go to Jacob's vehicle. We drive the few hours to Seattle. I walk with Rebecca to security. She gives me a big hug before she walks through the metal detector.

I go back to the vehicle and Jacob drives toward Forks.

Once in the clearing, I find a random, non poisoned berries bush and u strip my clothes off. I phase and I step out. Everybody smiles at my wolf before Jasper goes on about the strengths and the smartness of a newborn vampire.

Those newborn vampires sound really tough. It will be one heck of a fight when they come for us. They are in Seattle, which Jacob and I got lucky up there with Rebecca. Maybe they are on their way and in the water, they are heading towards the clearing we are fighting.

They put Seth on the mountain with Edward and Bella. They aren't letting me go; that's fine. I'll sit with dad and wait for the news from the pack. I guess I understand. I did just come home.

We leave the clearing after I phase and get dressed again. Jacob drives us home and I go straight to the kitchen. I make club sandwiches for lunch, for Jake and I. Dad is in Forks at Charlie's.

"Ah, you'll be alone for a couple days." Jacob says as if just remembering.  "Dad told me before we left e will be at Charlie's until this thing with the vampires die down."

I nod. "Alrighty. I may go to Emily's."

"I'll leave the Rabbit for you." He smiles at me as he finishes off his sandwich.

After the movie we decided to watch goes off, I decide to make baked chicken Parmesan for supper. Jacob compliments my cooking, as always.

"I'm glad you can cook." Jacob comments. "It means I can come home every night to a good meal."

I nod. "Yes, little brother."

Jacob scowls because he is younger. He is 16 and I'm 17. He will be turning 17 in a few days. I am throwing him a birthday party after the battle, because the day they are due to return, is his sweet 17.

They leave tomorrow; when I know they are good and gone, I'm gonna drive over to Sam and Emily's, to keep Emily company. I go to my room after supper, Jacob said he'd do dishes tonight;  to give me a break. I have the best little brother.

I change into some pajamas before I lock my door behind me. I climb into bed and I snuggle under my blanket. I soon drift off to sleep.

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