Chapter 4

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It is hot when I wake up the following morning. No cardigan for me today. I put on some shorts and a teal tank top. I put some sandals on before I walk out the door. Jacob gives me a ride to Sam's.

Paul and Jared are now waiting for me to change. I walk into the bushes and I strip my nice clothes off. I phase and I step out of the bushes. Paul steps in front of me so our eyes meet. That's when the world around me freezes and I only see us two.

I just imprinted on Paul. Paul barks before leading me trough the territory. I run up to the mountain range while he takes the trees and Jared goes to the waters near the Cullen territory.

I stand on a cliff and I feel the breeze blow through my fur. That's until I smell a sticky sweet smell. Unlike the Cullen girl I met, this vampire smells almost more tangy. This may be a human drinker.

I howl before I take off after the smell of the human feeding vampire. I see fiery red hair as I get closer to her. I snap at her before she crosses lands. I see a buff Cullen chase we until she rejoins me. She soon gets away and I stop, panting for a breath.

The Cullen coven glare at me and they flash off. Paul licks my wolf reassuringly before telling me to go back to where I was. I trot off to my cliff. I sit on the rock and I watch the stream run out to the bigger ocean.


I phase back and put my clothes on after patrol. Paul walks inside Sam Uley's house. Emily smiles at me as I take a seat beside my brother. He eyes Paul and they go outside to play soccer. Oh how nice?!

I go to the kitchen where Emily is and I take a seat with her. She smiles as she hands me a blueberry muffin. After my muffin is finished, she calls the pack in for their snacks.

After muffins, Jacob drives me home. I greet dad and I cook some supper. I make baked chicken, baked red potato bites, and some mashed potatoes with chives. I make plates and give them out; dad is in the living room, Jacob is in his room.

I sit at the kitchen table and eat my dinner I cooked. Dad washes his own fish and thanks me for cooking. I nod my head and I finish my plate of food. I wash my dish and I go to the bathroom. I take a shoe and I wash the patrolling sweat off of me.

After I am dry and in my pajamas, I go to my bedroom. I lock my door and I climb into bed. I set my clock because I have patrol again in the morning. I roll over to face the wall and I drift off to sleep.

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