Chapter 9

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I am sitting on the couch in my comfy clothes when Sam barges in.

"Go clear of Jacobs bed; he's hurt."

I jump up and I run to Jacobs room. I clear the bundles blankets and dirty clothes off Jacobs bed. The pack carefully caries Jacob in and lays him down. I gasp at my sweat drenched brother.

I sit in Paul's arms on the porch as Carlisle re-breaks my brother's bones so he can heal. I have my face hidden in Paul's neck as Jacobs screams fill the air. Bella stomps her breaks, dust flying. This is all because of her.

I growl lowly before phasing and running into the trees. I sit by the treaty and I close my wolf eyes. I just let the breeze flow through my fur when I hear something stop across the treaty. I open my eyes and see Edward.

Bella is at the house. 

"I know; she never listens." He sighs.

I snort. Ain't that the truth... She claims to love Jacob; but she is you're blood singer and mate.... Jacob hasn't even imprinted....

"I know; just help me keep an eye out on Bella and tell me if she does anything out of the way."

I nod my wolf head and I trot back to the house. I see Leah walk me some cut off shorts and a tank top. I nod my wolf head before going behind a bush. I phase back and I put these clothes on.

Paul hugs me and said Jacob had asked to see Bella.

"Go figure: she caused this." I grumble. "Stupid vampire lover."

Paul chuckles and pulls me into his lap. Carlisle steps out and he smiles at me.

"Your brother would like to see you." He says.

"I'll go in when Isabella leaves." I tell him.

He sighs and he goes on to tell Jacob what I had just said I watch him leave and I lay back against Paul.

Bella shoots me a glare before she climbs into her rusty truck. I wave with a smile before I walk to my brothers room.

"You're hurt." I whisper to my broken brother.

"I'll heal quickly." He shrugs with a chuckle. "I'm sorry for asking for Bella first."

I roll my eyes. "I understand. I lost your respect when I ran away."

Jacob's eyes widen. "No, it's not that, Alexia. It's that I kissed her in front of Edward."

"That explains why Edward asked me to watch her when she is around you; and they are engaged." I squeal. "It's exciting."

"It angers me." My brother grumbles.

"Well, get over it, Jakey." I smirk.

He chuckles and he pats my knee. "Sleep in here, sis." I nod before crawling over my brother before laying by the wall.

I stare at my brother as Paul walks in. He smiles at us and he says his good nights to Jacob and myself. I face the wall and I fall asleep; happy knowing Jacob is going to be okay.

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