Chapter 17

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I am standing beside Bella when Jacob walks in with Edward.

"Rose is trying to talk me out of my baby names." Bella says with a soft chuckle.

"Then I'll agree no matter what." He smirks.

I roll my eyes at my brother. "Tell him."

"Well, for a boy, I was thin EJ; Edward Jacob." She smiles.

"Okay, maybe it isn't too awful." Rosalie says with a hint of amusement.

"For a girl, I was messing with out mom's names, Rene and Esme; Renesme." Bella says softly.

"It's beautiful." Edward says smoothly.

"Those are good names." Jacob says.

I go to hand her a glass of blood but she misses it and it splatters all over the wood floors. Bella's back snaps and Edward catches her, I am frozen still.

"Carlisle isn't back yet!" I panic, Carlisle and Esme have went to hunt.

"We have to do it."

Alice grabs the house phone and dials Carlisle's phone. "Carlisle says the placenta must detach."

Rosalie grabs the scalpel and cuts across Bella stomach. She stare at the blood on the knife and Jacob jumps across the bed and tackles Rosalie to the ground. Alice drags her out and Edward begins biting through Bella's flesh to get the baby out.

Edward hands me Renesme when Bella's pulse disappears. I hold her and I leave the room. I walk to the kitchen and I bathe the little baby. Rosalie smiles at me; she is letting me experience caring for a baby.

"Would you like to watch her until Bella wakes?" Edward asks me wen he finds me, poor guy is coveted in his mate's blood.

I nod. "I would love to."

I wrap Renesme in a blanket and I walk to the corridor of the home. Jasper lights a fire in the fireplace for us and he smiles at the baby. He pats my shoulder before he flashes to where Bella is. Alice is cleaning Bella up for when the wakes.

I carry a sleeping baby up to my room and I lay her on the bed. I change into some pajamas before climbing in beside her. Her eyes open when Jacob walks in, looking like he is going to hurt her. I jump up then I see him look Renesme in the eyes and he falls to his knees. Jacob just imprinted.

He leaves the house to stand up to the pack. I'm tired. I climb in bed and I lay Renesme across my chest. I rock her until she is asleep. I rest against my headboard and I fall asleep with her.

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