Chapter 6

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I examine my appearance on this dark green dress and the jewelry Emily sent over. I slide my small feet into the black heels and put my leather, wrap around bracelet on.

Rebecca is in for a visit and she curls my hair. She smile as she puts a little lip gloss on my lips.

"Beautiful." She smiles. "I hope you have a good time. No more running."

I smile. "Thanks. I will. And I promise, I won't run again."

Rebecca hugs me and she goes to find dad. I look at myself in the mirror again. My first party in Washington and my very first date ever. I've been to parties in Canada, cop raising parties. This is a simple, graduation party.

Paul picks me up at the front door. Dad smiles up at Paul as I walk into the living room. Paul smiles at me, which puts dad's attention on me. Dad smiles widely at me.

"You look just like Linda, Alexia. Jus like her." Dad says.

"It was her dress." I shrug simply. "Plus, you don't know how many times I hear that I look like her."

Dad chuckles as I walk out the door with Paul. Paul opens his truck door for me before I get in. He jogs around to his side and he slams his door shut. He needs a newer vehicle. I need a vehicle, period.

We pull up to the Cullen's and I am in love with their house. We walk in and Alice bounces over to me. She grabs my hand and she changes her mind

"You're on a date, enjoy the party guys." She curtsies before slipping off.

Paul and I walk through the party and we spot Bella chatting with Jacob. I smile and I walk over.

"Congrats on graduations Bella!" I hug her. "I graduated high school in Ontario."

She hugs me back. "Thanks, Alexia."

I nod my head and I go to find Paul. He is surrounded in the vampire family. Alice has a stern look on. I jog up.

"What's going on?" I ask perkily.

"I love your perkiness." Alice giggles. "But we are having a meeting after the party."

I nod my head. "Come on baby; let's dance."

I drag Paul out to the center of the floor as Bring Me The Horizon begins to play. I dance along side Paul. He is a terrible dancer. Bella and Seth join us soon enough. My brother is watching us in amusement.

Paul and I go to the second floor for some food. Alice hands me a slice of pizza and Paul a plate with a steak on it, cooked. We sit at the bar / counter and we eat up. Paul and I are chatting about how much we are both having.

After the party, we wolves are in the den with the vampires and Bella. Poor Bella is the only human in the room right now.

"I saw an army of newborn vampires; someone was passing around a red blouse." Alice says.

"They are after me." Bella says softly.

I rise an eyebrow. "Who is behind this?" I ask. "Did you see the leader of the newborn army?" I ask Alice.

She shakes her head 'no'. "No, I didn't see anyone familiar." 

"Well, whoever it is, knows how to stay hidden." I say. "I'm in, I'll fight along with you guys. I've been a wolf on my own for years, I can fight."

"But you'll get hurt." Bella pleads to me.

I shrug. "I like killing vampires."

That earns a snort from Emmett. Jasper tells us what he know about newborns. He pulls me aside and he tells me his story. I trust him now.

"I'll talk to Sam." Paul says.

"Drive me home first." I tell him.

Paul drives me home when then small meeting is over. I go inside and straight to my room where Rebecca is. She goes home tomorrow; I plan on riding with Jake to drop her off at the Seattle airport, then to the training.

I change into some pajamas and climb into my bed beside my older sister. She wraps an arm around me as I grow tired. I am so glad to be home. I soon drift off to sleep.

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