Chapter 1

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I phase early in the morning and I put my clothes in my mouth. I am traveling from Ontario, Canada to La Push, Washington.

I take off through the threes, passing through Quebec. The trees are defense in this part of the Canadian woods. I always hated patrolling around here.

I reach the states and I enter Oregon. I need to get to Washington. The trees are slightly slimmer in the states, which is great. I can run faster with thinner trees. I take a rest at a creek for a sip of creek water, which is disgusting, even for my wolf.

I take for running in the direction of Washington. The woods grow dense as I enter Forks. I smell vampire and I scowl. I see a golden eyed vampire ahead of me, she has a black pixie haircut and a scowl on her face.

"Phase and tell me who you are." She demands. "You're on the Cullen territory, dog."

I flinch at the harshness in her small voice. I go in the bushes and drop my clothes on the forest ground. I phase then I get dressed.

"I'm Alexia Black; I'm looking for my family." I tell her pleadingly. "I ran away when my mother passed and I phased. Please, I need to find them and go home."

Her eyes grow sad. "Go through the woods a few more miles, make a left, am you'll exit at their red shack in La Push. I'm Alice."

I nod and I go back into the bushes. I take my clothes off and I phase into my timber wolf. I grab my clothes and I run through the woods, in the direction Alice Cullen told me. I have never been so thankful for a blood sucker since I phased.

I exit the woods at a red shack as Alice told me I would. I phase in a bush and I get dressed. I step out and I eye the shack closely. I wonder how dad is doing. Where are Rachel and Rebecca? I push the nervousness aside and I walk up the wheelchair ramp. The wreck put dad in a wheelchair?

I let out a shaky sigh and I knock on the door. I hear shuffling and I hear creaking from wheels. Then door opens and a man with long hair opens the door. My daddy.

His eyes grow wide. "Alexia?" He whispers as tears form. "JACOB!!! GET IN HERE!!!" You can hear the emotion in my dad's voice.

Jacob appears in the door and his breathing stops I believe when he noticed me. "Alexia?"

"I'm coming home." I whisper.

Jacob yanks me into a tight hug as he begins to cry. We enter the house and dad wheels straight to the phones, probably to ring up the sisters.

"Jake, where are Rebecca and Rachel?" I ask.

"Married and in Hawaii." He replied as he stares at me in utter shock. "I still can't believe you're here."

"Rachel and Rebecca are catching a plane in the morning, they should be here tomorrow night." Dad says. "They can only stay the night, but they want to see you, Alexia. Now, give me a hug."

I sit on dad's Lao and he pulls me into a huge hug.

"I want you to meet my friend and his daughter, Charlie and Bella Swan. I'll have Jacob drive us tomorrow."

I nod my head when Jacob agrees. My sisters will be  here at nightfall, so I have enough time to meet dad's friend and his daughter Bella.

"Do I have a room?" I ask.

"No, but I'll build you one." Jacob says. "I can start work on it tomorrow when we get back from Forks."

I nod my head before I get comfy on the couch. Dad tosses be a thin quilt before going off to his room. Jacob smiles at me again before going to his room. Boy, it's good to be home.

I face the tv and watch this random cartoon has my eyes grow heavy. I snuggle deeper into the oddly hard couch and I drift off to sleep, after a while of tossing and turning.

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