Chapter 10

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Jacob is staring at me when I wake up.

"Happy birthday, little brother." I pinch his cheeks. "I'll make you a breakfast, then dinner. I'm gonna bake a cake too; I'm going invite the pack too, and Emily."

He shushes me. "Do whatever, Alexia." He chuckles. "I'm sure it will be amazing, because I have heard you're a party planner."

I smirk. "That I am."

I exit the house and I set up a birthday party at First beach. Jacob is fully healed now. I go back into the house and make a load of eggs, bacon, and sausage for Jacob for his birthday breakfast. Dad is at Charlie's, as per usual. He told Jacob happy birthday before leaving. So, this is my party to plan alone.

After breakfast, I get dressed and drive Jacob to the party location, First Beach. I see that the pack actually listened to me and put up the decorations I sent with Seth. I even went through the misery of inviting Bella. I am watching her because Edward has caked me to, and I hate her hurting my brother.

Jacob hugs me before he jogs into the beach and runs straight to Bella, ignoring the pack. I can see the engagement ring from here. Paul jogs up to me and kisses me.

"You look great." He smiles.

I nod. "Thank you."

We join the party and Embry lifts me over his shoulder and he takes off running. Paul is laughing so hard he falls to his knees as I begin hitting Embry's back. Embry chuckles before letting me down.

Bella has a glare on her face when she looks at me. She is angry because I blame her for Jacobs getting hurt. If she never got involved in the immortal secrets, she'd most likely be safe. Jacob never would have been hurt.

"Alexia." Bella calls. "I want to invite you to the wedding." She hands me an invitation.

I smile. "Thank you, Bella. Really. I'm sorry for blaming you."

She shrugs. "You're kind of right."

We chat as she forgives me. I apologized when we walk across the beach, by the water. Paul is sitting with Embry and Jared with their imprints.

I jog up and sit Paul's arms. He smiles and kisses me lovingly.

"I'm sure Jake will find his imprint." I whisper as I watch my brother sit with Embry, Seth, and Leah.

Those four shape shifters haven't imprinted. Paul lays his chin on the top of my head and watches Sam play soccer with Embry and Jared, they got up to play. Jacob is acting as if he is lonely.

"Alexia." Bella smiles. "I sent an invitation to Jacob, he should get it tomorrow."

I nod my head. "Okie dokie; aren't they giving rain tomorrow?"

"Thunder storms." Paul says. "I love them."

I smile. "So do I."

After the party, Jacob has Bella give him a ride home. I frown before getting into the rabbit. When I make it home, I see a Dodge Ram in the driveway. Dad rolls himself out and smiles at me. Jacob is beside him with a smirk.

"This is your homecoming present." Jacob hugs

Here is my truck;;

"Guys, I love it, but I need my Washington license

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"Guys, I love it, but I need my Washington license."

"Come on." Jacob smirks.

I get behind the wheel and I start up he beauty. I smile at the soft rumble of the engine before driving off towards Port Angeles. We go to the drivers Ed place and a teacher gets in with me.

"What is your name, sweetie?" He asks politely.

"Alexia Black." I reply simply.

He nods before having me begin. I start the truck and do what is required. He smiles and puts four check marks. I smile before I start driving. The parking is where I get stumped.

"Just focus, and it's easy." The teacher tells me reassuringly.

I bite my lip and I focus. I do it good! I see the teacher put a check beside parking. I smirk before driving us back to the building. I climb out of my truck and I walk in with him.

"Let's get a photo." He smiles. "You got your Washington driver's license, congrats. I'll call Canada an tell them to cancel the Canadian one."

I nod and I sit in front of the camera. I smile and the flash goes off. He hands me my new license and I get in my truck with Jacob. I drive home and I shut it off. I close my eyes and enjoy the smell of a new vehicle.

I walk in and I show dad my new plastic. He hugs me before I go to my room.  I change into some pajamas and I climb in my bed. I grab my phone (landline) and I dial Paul's house.

"Hello?" Anne answers.

"Hi, Anne." I say. "It's Alexia, is Paul home?"

"Yes, dear, hold on." She calls for Paul.

"Hey babe." He says huskily.

"I got my Washington license, wait until you see my vehicle. It beats yours." I say wth a slight smirk.

He chuckles deeply. "I'll see it tomorrow, we have patrol."

I sigh. "True. See you then."

I hang up ad I snuggle under my blanket. I sigh in satisfaction before I drift off to sleep.

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