Chapter 5

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Paul is at the house when I wake o the following morning. I groan as I shove him out of my room. He fights and shoves me back. He pushes me against my door and he kisses me gently.

"I want to take you out on a date tomorrow night." He says. "Fancy-casual."

I nod my head. "Now shoo, I have to get ready for patrol."

He nods before leaving my room. I relock my door, he pick locked it. I get dressed in some dark skinny jeans and a red jumper sweater with hearts on it. I finish getting ready and I meet Paul at his truck. He smiles and he grabs my hand.

At Sam's, we go to separate bushes to phase. I strip from my nice clothes and I phase into my beautiful timber wolf. I meet Paul at the trees before we do our patrol.

I stop at my usual cliff and I look out over the waters. I don't smell the usual vampire smell. I sniff and the Cullen's haven't hunted in a couple days. Their smell is usually fresh for days. This is odd for them.

I hear a crunch from below and I jump to the cliff edge. A Cullen, Emmett. I growl and he stops me.

"Easy, just wanted to invite you guys to our graduation party." Emmett says as Paul trots up.

I nod my wolf head, agreeing to go. Emmett smiles and he flies to the bottom. I huff as I trot back to Sam's. I phase behind my usual bush and I put my clothes back on. I walk inside and tell the pack Paul and I were invited at the Cullen's tomorrow. I guess that will be our date.

"I was invited too." Jacob says. "So was Seth, Bella invited us."

"Emmett invited us." I say.  "Well, I'm gonna go home, cook, eat, shower, then go to bed."

Paul drives me home and says tomorrow at the party can count as our first date. I walk into the house and I give my dad a kiss on the forehead. Charlie is here.

"Hey chief, staying for dinner? I can make friend cat fish?" I suggest.

"Yeah, Charlie, stay. She is a good cook." Dad says.

"Oh alright, Bella is at that Cullen kids anyways." Charlie shrugs.

I get a brown bag of catfish out of the fridge ad I dress them in flower and pepper. I make some shells n cheese and mashed potatoes with garlic powder and chives for the side dishes.

"Mm, sis, smells good." Jacob compliments as he sits beside Charlie. "She s an outstanding cook, Charlie."

I hand out plates before making my own. Charlie gives me a thumbs up before he sips his Bush beer. I gnarl my nose before I sip my tea. After supper, I go to the bathroom, Beating Jacob. I take a quick shower before going to my room.

I lock my door and I put some pajamas on. I gag my robe on a nail on the wall and I scan my closet for a party dress. I find the perfect selection and I lay it on the dresser. I climb into my bed and I face the fall. I soon drift off to sleep.

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