broken trust

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fixable ? Chapter 1
A/n finally I've posted my first chapter of thia book! As ever it will have mature content. Please vote comment and follow

Ryan pov


That was the only emotion i felt right now. Of corse as i was infornt of peopec i remained emotinless. But i was annoyed.

"Ryan what do you think?" she asked me.

"I think I fine" i replyed.

"So thats denial" she awnserd.

Was this woman TRYING to cause problems that wernt there! This was point less. And ALL chloes fault. Thats who i was annoyed at. Sure i was annoyed at mike for listing to chloes rubbish but i was most annoyed at her.

Deep...deep down, maby it wasnt rubish. But so what if i was "struggling" mike gets payed to care. And Chloe just dose it for show. I cant believe shed reacted so consernd just because id-

"Ryan are you listing?" mike asked as i nodded.

"So i want to see you again

O joy

And i also think you would benifit from seein someone on a weekly basis. But that could take months" she told me.

"I have my independent visitor" i replyed in a matter of fact tone.

"Even hes shown conserns" mike told me.

Why dose EVERYONE betray me i thought as we were let out of the stupid meeting.

Chloe pov

"Hes due back any muinit now" i sighed to sasha, sitring in the kitchen, sipping on my drink.

"Just keep your eyes peailed at all time. You know what hes like"

"I know but i was only trying to help" i replyed.

"Help!" i heard a voicd exclaim behimd me.

"Ryan i-

"Your no sister of mine" he spat walking off.


Still chloes pov
I lay awake. The words chasing though my mind.

"Your no sister of mine"

Sure we fell out when I found out what he was like. This time was diffeent tho. This time had found out what he was realy like. Behind all those walls and id betrayed him. I get that. I did. I could i did it what i did for the best till i was blue i was blue i the face but i didnt think he'll ever forgive me.

Tears trickled down my face as i climbed into my wheelchair to put my light on.

I grabbed the photo of him when i first came here. I didnt know him then.  I blamed him for something he didnt do, how could i be so stupid as to think he would just drop that out of his brain. The proablem was i never put my self in his shouse. With that much giult and pain, thats not even mentioning the giukt he had for the other things, i should of seen something earlier. The things i now knew about my brother was he felt bad for so much, yet he kept doing it to himself. He kept letting him self get doing what id done he no longer felt in control. He didnt say it but i was sure that's how he felt. I should of spotted it when i read that note about him getting mike fiered.

"I felt powerful"

Thays how he said he felt when hed got Mike reinsted. When he had controle. Now he  didnt i was on the fireing line.

fixable - A Dumping ground ryan Reeves Fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now