difficult times ahead

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Ryan pov

"Have you seen chloe?" i asked charlie as she went out side. "Thought you didnt care about her?' she asked. "I dont. But mike wants her" i hissed back. "Shes still asleep" she replyed. "I thought you were meant to be wakeing her up after breakfast?"i hissed back. "I did. She ofbasaly needs sleep, probably worn put from all your moaning!" she snapped walking off

Ignoring charlie i went into chloes room to find her asleep. She locked so peaceful.

"Twinkle twinkle little star" i started as choe giggled. We were both snuggled up on the sofa till i stoped singing suddenly. I could here a noice.

"Sushhh" i said placing a thinger over her lips as she giggled. She was 3, she didn't know anything.

They were  footsteps comeing up the metal steps to the appartment.

"Come on" i mubled grabbing chloes hand but she wouldn't budge, she just sat there laughing.

"What are you two up" a avoice asked. I turend round. It was dad!! This was dad!
***end if flashback***

"Why are you staring at chloe?" charlie asked.

"Just back off!" i said pannicking as i stormed off panicking  and goig in to my room.

Charlie pov

I ran up to his room bursting in as he was pannicking. I kneeled down infront of him, trying to take hold of his hands but he pushed me away.

"Ryan just focuse on Your breathing. I promise you it wont stay like this. Whatevers going on, it wint last forrver" i told him but his pannicattck was just getting worse.

"Just breath with me" i told him takeing deep breaths.

"I.i cant" he mimbled

"You can, I belive you can. I wouldn't lie to you ryan" i told him.

Everntualy he camed down and there was a little silence till ryan spoke.

"You can go now" he hissed.

"Yer dont thank me or anything" i spat as i got up but he stoped me

"Tell a sole and your regret it!" he spat.

"I'm not like that" i informed him sharply as i left.

Ryan pov

That was him. 1000% that was him. I just knew it. Id alwase strugged with memborys from the past, but not many from when i was living wih my mum and chloe. Not untill chloe came. Simce she came, id startd to rember things.

I reached to the back of my wodrobe for the photo album. What if...one of the photos had him in. There was pirchers of me and chloe wirh loads of other people there. Party's maby - i dont know?

Loaslds of men cause, mum alwase had a new one when she went out. Never stayed, but the man from my membory,  he was at no social gavring in my album. But I knew he was my dad i just did.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2017 ⏰

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